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Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: June 27th, 2009, 8:02 pm
by Neil
My PowerMac is down, at least for now.  So, I would like to run SABnzbd+ on my MacBook with all the same configuration settings I created on my PowerMac.  I will pull my old hard drive out and put it in an external enclosure if I need to access files from it.  My categories are set to download everything to other external drives, so they should still work if I can transfer my old settings.  Can this be done?  Thanks. 

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 2:32 am
by shypike
You only need to check if the folder paths are exactly the same.
Otherwise just use a text editor to adjust the sabnzbd.ini file.

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 8:56 am
by Neil
It sounds like there is a step missing.  I guess I should first copy the sabnzbd.ini file to the MacBook (yes, I am a newbie).  I'll do a spotlight search for it on the old drive.  Is there anything else to copy?  So far, all I have done is install SABnzbd+ and mount the external drives.  Thanks!

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:06 am
by switch
The sabnzbd.ini file for 0.4 and previous is is kept in the ~/.sabnzbd/ directory on OSX as per the FAQ. This folder is a hidden file, so I would navigate to it directly from finder (go to path or whatever); or via terminal.

Copying the contents of the ~/.sabnzbd/ folder will give you the exact same setup as before, however as shypike says, it is advisable you look through your sabnzbd.ini and make sure all referenced drives exist on your macbook for SABnzbd to launch correctly.

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 11:31 pm
by Neil
Thanks for the help guys.  I was able to find my invisible SABnzbd+ folder and move it to my user folder on my MacBook.  The external drives have the same file paths, ie. /volumes/TV shows/ and /volumes/Movies/.  When I download an nzb file, SABnzbd+ quickly finds it, downloads it, and unpacks it.  

The problem is that I'm net getting the downloads I expect from  I have been offline for a week, so I know I missed a bunch of TV shows.  Also, I tried bookmarking a file on Newzbin, but it didn't download.  In both cases the configuration web pages' fields for username and password appear to be populated with he proper information.  Can you think of anything else that could cause this behavior?  Thank you.

SABnzbd+ v0.4.11 on Mac o/s X, app, default skin

EDIT:  It looks like I'm downloading a new file fro  I think it's a show from last night.  All afternoon I expected to download the shows I missed from my PowerMac being off-line for the week. Will those get picked up too?

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: June 30th, 2009, 12:44 pm
by switch
mytvnzb only carries nzb files for a day or two. I would just find the shows manually.

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 3:58 pm
by rAf
You should avoid using external drives.
You should try downloading files in local hard drive and move them manually or with a script.

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 5:24 pm
by Neil
rAf wrote: You should avoid using external drives.
You should try downloading files in local hard drive and move them manually or with a script.
That is interesting.  I didn't see anything about that in the online manual.  Would you elaborate?  Thanks.

Btw, to followup on my original post, I did manage to migrate everything to my MacBook and then back to my PowerMac once it was repaired.  It all went pretty smoothly thanks to you guys.  I was never able to access the  files while the drives were connected to the MacBook.  After the PowerMac went back online, I realized that the problem was that I never turned on file sharing for those drives on the MacBook.  Live and learn...

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 8:47 pm
by rAf
on Mac, external volumes (network shares or ext hdd) are mounted on /Volumes.
if your volume is disconnected, SABnzbd will create a folder named with the same name and continue to put your files in.
When your volume is back, it will be mounted in a different folder.

An exemple :

You have a usb key named with a volume named USBDRIVE.
It's mounted in /Volumes/USBDRIVE.
SABnzbd is configured to put files on it. Your usb is plugged and you launch SABnzbd.
You disconnect your key. SABnzbd is still downloading in /Volumes/USBDRIVE.
You reconnect your key. OSX will mount it on an other folder because /Volumes/USBDRIVE already exists.

Check your /Volumes folder... (in Finder CMD-SHIFT-G et type /Volumes )

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: October 1st, 2009, 7:54 am
by damean
I installed sabnzBd on my macbook pro and then the webinterface stoped working. I can download but not get the webinterface. The biggest problem is that I cant find the sabnzbd.ini fil at all... you say its in the /sabnzbd/ folder but that is under the application folder right. cant find any file there...

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: October 1st, 2009, 8:28 am
by shypike
No, it's in a hidden folder in your home folder.

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: October 1st, 2009, 3:10 pm
by damean
thank you thank you thank you!!! I've been looking for that file for 3 days...(yes it's patetic) but that realy helped!! it works now! but my astraweb account refuses to connect me to the server on the secure port 443?

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: October 1st, 2009, 5:55 pm
by rAf
Are you using the correct server ? Ports 443 or 563 Ports 443 or 563 (European) Ports 443 or 563 (US)

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: October 1st, 2009, 11:48 pm
by damean
sorry Im so new to this, I switched from torrents 3 days ago. what is Credentials?

yes I live in Europe so I use Ports 443
but I dont write Ports 443
is sll- suppose to be written in the server name?

Re: Migrating to a new Mac

Posted: October 1st, 2009, 11:54 pm
by interfacelift
Use "" as that's what it states on their configuration page. Port 443.