CharTranslator for macOS

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CharTranslator for macOS

Post by AniMisM »

For performance reasons, I recently moved my SABnzbd installation from my Synology NAS to a Mac mini. While SAB functions much better on the Mac, I have lost the all-important CharTranslator python script that comes installed with the Synology version of SAB :(

My scripting knowledge is pretty limited, but I am wondering if it is possible to port this script to have it work with my Mac (currently running macOS Sierra 10.12.6)? Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: CharTranslator for macOS

Post by safihre »

So what goes wrong? I always thought sabnzbd did this correctly by itself in these newer versions.
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Re: CharTranslator for macOS

Post by AniMisM »

On the NAS, SAB would extract and move TV episodes to the correct show and season folder (allowing Plex to then see it and populate the metadata). On the Mac, it just extracts the file and leaves it in the completed downloads folder. I then have to manually move the files into their show folders. There is no script to select under Categories, and copying or linking to the CharTranslator script from the NAS doesn't run.

Maybe I'm mistaken, and that isn't even something this script handles? I've copied all the settings from my NAS installation verbatim, and my Sonarr settings haven't changed, so I'm not sure what else I could be missing.
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Re: CharTranslator for macOS

Post by safihre »

Sonarr should do this for you.
Just make sure you have set it up correctly:
Make a specific sonarr category in sabnzbd, then double check that you added sabnzbd correctly within sonarr with this new category.
Also check that you enabled the folder renaming of sonarr.
Sonarr does all these things without any scripts, it uses the API of Sabnzbd.
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Re: CharTranslator for macOS

Post by AniMisM »

YESssss! I figured it out. Had to set "Remote Path Mappings" under Download Client settings in Sonarr. Once I did that correctly, Sonarr immediately started processing the backlog of files.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, @safihre!
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