Looking for script to convert mp3 to m4b
Posted: February 2nd, 2019, 8:08 pm
I really wanted to try and figure this out myself, but I'm so new to this, it's really hard for me to know where to begin. I have an unraid server and am looking to create a simple(?) bash script to take a downloaded .mp3 and convert it to .m4b (iTunes audiobook).
Ultimate goals would be:
1. rename downloaded file to input.mp3
2. convert input.mp3 to output .m4b using ffmpeg
3. rename output file to "book - then today's date" ie. "BOOK-February-2-2019.m4b"
That's it. Seems like it would be simple, right?
Any help will be very much appreciated.
Ultimate goals would be:
1. rename downloaded file to input.mp3
2. convert input.mp3 to output .m4b using ffmpeg
3. rename output file to "book - then today's date" ie. "BOOK-February-2-2019.m4b"
That's it. Seems like it would be simple, right?
Any help will be very much appreciated.