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[SOLVED] How do I disable logging altogether?

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 10:47 pm
by bobsmith
Here's the ini file section:

enable_cherrypy_logging = 1
log_level = 1
max_log_size = .001M
log_backups = 0

If I do not want ANY logging whatsoever (no sabnzbd.log and no cherrypy.log) what does the ini file need to include? Thanks.

Re: How do I disable logging altogether?

Posted: July 28th, 2009, 1:37 am
by shypike
enable_cherrypy_logging = 0
log_level = 0
max_log_size = 1M
log_backups = 2

This will log the minimum (just errors and warnings).
Less isn't possible without modifying the code.

Re: How do I disable logging altogether?

Posted: July 28th, 2009, 3:14 pm
by bobsmith
Thanks shypike! That's exactly what I needed.