Rename then categorize?

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Joined: April 12th, 2019, 6:58 pm

Rename then categorize?

Post by dw03 »


I am trying to post process sort (e.g. rename) and categorize (e.g. move to a specific folder) my nzbs automatically. The current implementation categorizes then sorts the download. This causes issues because I have another 3rd party app monitoring my final post-processed folder for one final post-post processing step. The 3rd party app catches two files, the original download plus the renamed download. Is it possible to reverse this process such that the rename happens first then the download is moved into the specified folder? Thanks
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Re: Rename then categorize?

Post by safihre »

Indeed the order is fixed. But maybe you can prevent the 3rd party app from reading the file before its ready?
We support the Config Special nomedia file, which writes a temporary file to the directory that's often used by programs.
Or, you can disable Folder Rename in Config Switches. This way your final folder will not have the __UNPACK__ added to it while doing post processing.
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