Is my Mac just a wee bit too old?

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Is my Mac just a wee bit too old?

Post by tdoghr17 »

Hi there,

Still a huge newbie to all this... all replies need to be proper simple language :)

I've recently set up my old Mac Mini as my machine to handle all NZB activity Sonarr, Radarr, SAB etc. Download speeds aren't getting above ~2.5 Mb, and transcoding aa 9.5GB file to play on my Amazon FireTV stick just didn't work. Appreciate the Plex issue/question is for another forum, but are the following specs too low to get quicker downloads? Is the CPU just too low powered to handle speedier action?

Mac Mini Early 2009
Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB

If it is time for an upgrade, what sort of Mac Mini spec should I be looking for on ebay?

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Re: Is my Mac just a wee bit too old?

Post by safihre »

Are you using 2.3.9? The Core 2 is indeed very old, but 2.5mb/s is slow. What does the Activity Monitor show? Full cpu usage?
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