Version: SABnzbd version: 3.0.0Beta3
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
I have Sonarr passing in the Catagory for the download and as of this version it looks to be getting lost. The only change has been the update to Beta 3 so I think that is what has stopped it from working. See below for additional information. Let me know if there is anything else need to track down this but.
Name XXX
Completed 27 minutes ago
Status Completed
Size 1.0 GB
Category Default
Name YYY
Completed 3 days ago
Status Completed
Size 1.3 GB
Category tv
from the logs
2020-06-17 05:41:25,083::INFO::[postproc:374] Starting Post-Processing on XXX=> Repair:True, Unpack:True, Delete:True, Script:None, Cat:*
2020-06-14 05:59:05,377::INFO::[postproc:372] Starting Post-Processing on YYY=> Repair:True, Unpack:True, Delete:True, Script:None, Cat:tv
Catagory Getting Lost
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- Tell us what system you run SABnzbd on.
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- Do you experience problems during downloading?
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We will probably ask you to do a test using only basic settings. - Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking?
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Re: Catagory Getting Lost
It's a known issue with Beta3. It is fixed in Beta4 that was just released
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