For some reason my Linux Mint 19.3 system included this in the latest batch of updates, I do not know why an RC would be included in the standard updates. Anyway lots of issues. Most download fail, that has not happened in years, always rock solid. Also the list of download now shows everything in red as failed, stuff I downloaded over a year ago is now on the first page, and these were successful downloads. How do I correct this?
Question, is there an easy way to roll back? I have no desire to nuke it and re-enter all my info - I've had to do that in the past.
Beta 3.1.0 RC01 forced by Linux Mint 19.3 --Fails
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- Tell us what system you run SABnzbd on.
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- Do you experience problems during downloading?
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Re: Beta 3.1.0 RC01 forced by Linux Mint 19.3 --Fails
Are you sure Linux Mint 19.3 provided that? Are you sure you did not activate the PPA? What is the output of
On my Ubuntu:
So: I have 3.1.0~rc1, and it came in via the PPA
As an extra service to you, I started a Linux Mint 19.3 docker container, and ... it only provides sabnzbdplus 2.3.2 (ugh!).
So I'm quite sure you have activated the PPA yourself (and it is not forced by Linux Mint 19.3, as your subject)
See ... buntu-repo : Via the PPA, default you get Beta and RCs. See that same page if you want to receive only final stable releases.
Finally: FWIW: 3.1.0 RC1 is perfect on my Ubuntu.
Code: Select all
apt-cache policy sabnzbdplus
Code: Select all
$ apt-cache policy sabnzbdplus
Installed: 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~20.04
Candidate: 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~20.04
Version table:
*** 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~20.04 500
500 focal/main amd64 Packages
500 focal/main i386 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
3.0.0~0git20200408+dfsg-1 500
500 focal/multiverse amd64 Packages
500 focal/multiverse i386 Packages
As an extra service to you, I started a Linux Mint 19.3 docker container, and ... it only provides sabnzbdplus 2.3.2 (ugh!).
So I'm quite sure you have activated the PPA yourself (and it is not forced by Linux Mint 19.3, as your subject)
See ... buntu-repo : Via the PPA, default you get Beta and RCs. See that same page if you want to receive only final stable releases.
Finally: FWIW: 3.1.0 RC1 is perfect on my Ubuntu.
Code: Select all
root@cece1f550248:/# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description: Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia
Release: 19.3
Codename: tricia
Code: Select all
root@cece1f550248:/# apt-cache policy sabnzbdplus
Installed: 2.3.2+dfsg-1
Candidate: 2.3.2+dfsg-1
Version table:
*** 2.3.2+dfsg-1 500
500 bionic/multiverse amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Re: Beta 3.1.0 RC01 forced by Linux Mint 19.3 --Fails
Wow, I thought I posted a reply but it's not here, odd. Well not so odd the site won't let me post the requested info in any form. Kind of worthless for a "help" site. It is in no way a link.
I ran the command and got this:
At this point I cleared the list of errors but now any download I do does not show up in the lower panel, but the file is saved. Odd, Fix?
I ran the command and got this:
At this point I cleared the list of errors but now any download I do does not show up in the lower panel, but the file is saved. Odd, Fix?
Re: Beta 3.1.0 RC01 forced by Linux Mint 19.3 --Fails
I see no output.
As a new user, you are not allowed to post anything that could be link. Workaround: Put spaces between dots and wors.
Or: post on pastebin, and post the URL (with spaces in it) here.
As a new user, you are not allowed to post anything that could be link. Workaround: Put spaces between dots and wors.
Or: post on pastebin, and post the URL (with spaces in it) here.
Re: Beta 3.1.0 RC01 forced by Linux Mint 19.3 --Fails
Installed: 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04
Candidate: 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04
Version table:
*** 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04 500
500 h. ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/ppa/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages
500 h .ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/ppa/ubuntu bionic/main i386 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
3.0.2-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04 500
500 h .ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/nobetas/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages
500 h. ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/nobetas/ubuntu bionic/main i386 Packages
2.3.2+dfsg-1 500
500 h .tt p://archive.ubuntu. com/ubuntu bionic/multiverse amd64 Packages
500 ht.t p://archive.ubuntu .com/ubuntu bionic/multiverse i386 Packages
Installed: 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04
Candidate: 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04
Version table:
*** 3.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04 500
500 h. ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/ppa/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages
500 h .ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/ppa/ubuntu bionic/main i386 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
3.0.2-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~18.04 500
500 h .ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/nobetas/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages
500 h. ttp ://ppa.launchpad. net/jcfp/nobetas/ubuntu bionic/main i386 Packages
2.3.2+dfsg-1 500
500 h .tt p://archive.ubuntu. com/ubuntu bionic/multiverse amd64 Packages
500 ht.t p://archive.ubuntu .com/ubuntu bionic/multiverse i386 Packages
Re: Beta 3.1.0 RC01 forced by Linux Mint 19.3 --Fails
So ... as I expected: you activated the PPA, with beta's
I already explained to you how you change to PPA main releases. Or remove the PPA settings if you want to stay on releases by Linux Mint itself.
I already explained to you how you change to PPA main releases. Or remove the PPA settings if you want to stay on releases by Linux Mint itself.
Re: Beta 3.1.0 RC01 forced by Linux Mint 19.3 --Fails
Ok, got it -thanks. About to rebuild system so I'll live with the issues for a bit, will avoid RC's.