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Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 7th, 2020, 9:07 pm
by justbrowsingthanks
I have been slowing building up my new Synology DS720+, adding a package at a time. My latest is Sabnzbd, which is fantastic thank you for the hard work.
Initially I wasn't able to install it because it used 8080 by default and my Unifi controller was setup to use 8080 already. I figured, no biggie, I will turn that docker off, install Sab, adjust the port and restart my Unifi controller (changing the Unifi controller port requires reprogramming all my WAPs).
I was successful in stopping the Unifi controller and then downloading & installing SAB.
Once installed, I was able to change the port to 8081 and reestablish the web session.
I used Network Utility -> Port Scan on my Mac to see that 8080 was now free and 8081 was in use.
However, when I went back to change the port on the Unifi docker image, it said 8080 was conflicted.
I poked around a bit and found the service-setup file as well as the sabncbd-sc files that referenced 8080. I changed each of these... still no luck.
Is there something in the Synology package itself that 'claims' port 8080?
Is there a way to adjust that?
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 4:12 am
by sander
In a regular setup, you can change the port of SABnbz in the SABnzbd WebGUI: config -> General. Put it on 8100 or something like that. Then save, and restart SABnzbd
But I'm not sure if that works on Synology. Just try.
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 6:24 am
by justbrowsingthanks
In a regular setup, you can change the port of SABnbz in the SABnzbd WebGUI: config -> General. Put it on 8100 or something like that. Then save, and restart SABnzbd
Yep, that is what I did (though I chose 8081). SABnzbd definitely changes ports and I confirm this both in logging in on the new port as well as port scanning from my Mac.
However, the Unifi controller still reports that 8080 is claimed and won't allow me to select that.
Is there something in the Synology package that indicates the port is used? There must be as it wouldn't install SAB with Unifi running...
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 6:40 am
by sander
What is in a docker: Unifi, or SABnzbd?
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 6:58 am
by justbrowsingthanks
What is in a docker: Unifi, or SABnzbd?
Whoops, thanks for the clarification. Unifi controller is a docker image and SABnzbd is from the Synology Community package.
What I meant to ask was, is there something in the
Synology package for SABnzbd that specifies it uses 8080?
My unifi controller is a docker image and that allows me to configure the ports before it starts (it is just a real pain to do since it requires reprogramming the WAPs as well as 8080 is what they use to communicate with the controller)
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 7:38 am
by sander
OK, good. Focus on SABnzbd alone. Is SAB running? Can you access the SAB WebGUI? If so, on which port? If you change the port in the SAB WebGUI, save, reboot SAB ... is it on the new port?
(If not, there is some other startup parameter / script somewhere else, and we have to find that out)
FWIW copy-paste from other post "\<InstallVolume>\@appstore\sabnzbd\var\config.ini"
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 8:00 am
by justbrowsingthanks
Yep, SABnzbd is accessible via the new port, 8081. As expected, the config.ini file shows:
Code: Select all
__version__ = 19
__encoding__ = utf-8
permissions = 777
auto_browser = 0
host =
port = 8081
nice = -n15
ionice = -c2 -n4
download_dir = /volume1/video/downloads/incomplete
complete_dir = /volume1/video/downloads/complete
script_dir = /usr/local/sabnzbd/var/scripts
pre_script = None
queue_complete = ""
queue_complete_pers = 0
bandwidth_perc = 0
refresh_rate = 1
queue_limit = 20
config_lock = 0
sched_converted = 2
notified_new_skin = 0
direct_unpack_tested = 1
check_new_rel = 1
language = en
enable_https_verification = 1
https_port = ""
username = ""
password = ""
bandwidth_max = ""
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 8:08 am
by sander
So ... solved?
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 8:12 am
by justbrowsingthanks
Nope... when I try to assign port 8080 in my Docker for Unifi, it says it is in use.
This is why I am scratching my head.
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 8:15 am
by justbrowsingthanks
Maybe easiest to just ditch the Synology Community version of SABnzbd and opt for the Docker version where I can control the ports directly and transparently. It seems like there is some configuration w/ the Synology Community package that 'holds / reserves' 8080 even if the app doesn't eventually use it (which is also why it wouldn't let me install the package until I had turned off my Docker that was using it.
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 10:33 am
by safihre
Yes, you cannot change the SynoCommunity package port. It is hardcoded in the package.
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 10:44 am
by justbrowsingthanks
Yes, you cannot change the SynoCommunity package port. It is hardcoded in the package.
Thanks, that makes sense. I guess I was just surprised that it 'claimed' that port even though the underlying application wasn't using it.
Thank you
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: November 8th, 2020, 12:08 pm
by safihre
That's indeed how the Synology packaging system works (not specific to SABnzbd). It's actually quite nice, because this way you can't install conflicting packages and prevents users from unexpected behavior when ports are not available after install.
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: December 7th, 2020, 12:30 am
by DosN
Hi Safihre
i had used sabnzbd on my previous NAS and access it with port 8082. and it worked perfectly( installed that in jr 2016)
But now im want to install is on my new NAS , and it would not install because port 8080 is reserved for system service or already use
I can do not know which progamm it uses , but i know according to Synology site:
The following ports cannot be used because they are reserved for system use:
20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 80, 110, 137, 138, 139, 143, 199, 443, 445, 515, 543, 548, 587, 873, 993, 995, 3306, 3689, 5000, 5001, 5005, 5006, 5335, 5432, 6881, 8080, 7000, 7001, 8081, 9997, 9998, 9999, 50001, 50002
eMule default ports: 4662 (TCP), 4672(UDP)
so my question is why is port 8080 used and not a other port, not listed above.
I do not know how to install it anymore , i checked many forums ..
Re: Synology Docker Unifi Controller port conflict
Posted: December 7th, 2020, 12:31 am
by DosN
the thinks i could try is decativete packeges . or mybe start from the beginning and try to install it first