But here's one clean cycle (I found the beginning)
Code: Select all
2021-01-22 16:30:22,411::INFO::[notifier:122] Sending notification: Error - [22/Jan/2021:16:30:22] HTTP (type=error, job_cat=None)
2021-01-22 16:30:22,411::ERROR::[_cplogging:213] [22/Jan/2021:16:30:22] HTTP
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cherrypy\_cprequest.py", line 638, in respond
File "cherrypy\_cprequest.py", line 697, in _do_respond
File "cherrypy\lib\encoding.py", line 219, in __call__
File "cherrypy\_cpdispatch.py", line 54, in __call__
File "sabnzbd\interface.py", line 434, in api
File "sabnzbd\api.py", line 134, in api_handler
File "sabnzbd\api.py", line 527, in _api_history
File "sabnzbd\api.py", line 1541, in del_hist_job
File "sabnzbd\database.py", line 439, in get_path
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
2021-01-22 16:30:22,411::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [22/Jan/2021:16:30:22] HTTP
Request Headers:
USER-AGENT: Sonarr/ (windows 10.0.19041.0)
ACCEPT: application/json
HOST: localhost:8080
It can repeat ~20 times in a row with nothing in between, changing only the timestamps.
I have had HTTPS disabled, since all UI access is local network.
Not sure if it helps, but here's the config from the bottom of the log:
Code: Select all
__version__ = 19
__encoding__ = utf-8
pre_script = None
queue_complete = ""
queue_complete_pers = 0
bandwidth_perc = 0
refresh_rate = 2
queue_limit = 40
config_lock = 0
sched_converted = 0
notified_new_skin = 2
direct_unpack_tested = 1
check_new_rel = 1
auto_browser = 0
language = en
enable_https_verification = 1
host =
port = 8080
https_port = ""
bandwidth_max = 90M
cache_limit = 1G
web_dir = Glitter
web_color = Default
https_cert = server.cert
https_key = server.key
https_chain = ""
enable_https = 0
inet_exposure = 5
local_ranges = 192.168,
api_key = <HASH>5900dc4
nzb_key = <HASH>f392ed5
permissions = ""
download_dir = M:\nzbs\incomplete
download_free = 200G
complete_dir = M:\nzbs\complete
complete_free = ""
fulldisk_autoresume = 1
script_dir = ""
nzb_backup_dir = ""
admin_dir = admin
dirscan_dir = ""
dirscan_speed = 5
password_file = ""
log_dir = logs
max_art_tries = 3
load_balancing = 2
top_only = 0
sfv_check = 1
quick_check_ext_ignore = nfo, sfv, srr
script_can_fail = 0
enable_recursive = 1
flat_unpack = 0
par_option = ""
pre_check = 1
nice = ""
win_process_prio = 3
ionice = ""
fail_hopeless_jobs = 1
fast_fail = 1
auto_disconnect = 1
no_dupes = 3
no_series_dupes = 0
series_propercheck = 1
pause_on_pwrar = 2
ignore_samples = 1
deobfuscate_final_filenames = 1
auto_sort = ""
direct_unpack = 1
direct_unpack_threads = 3
propagation_delay = 0
folder_rename = 1
replace_spaces = 0
replace_dots = 0
safe_postproc = 1
pause_on_post_processing = 0
sanitize_safe = 0
cleanup_list = ,
unwanted_extensions = ,
action_on_unwanted_extensions = 0
new_nzb_on_failure = 0
history_retention = 2d
enable_meta = 1
quota_size = ""
quota_day = ""
quota_resume = 0
quota_period = m
rating_enable = 0
rating_host = ""
rating_api_key = <REMOVED>
rating_filter_enable = 0
rating_filter_abort_audio = 0
rating_filter_abort_video = 0
rating_filter_abort_encrypted = 0
rating_filter_abort_encrypted_confirm = 0
rating_filter_abort_spam = 0
rating_filter_abort_spam_confirm = 0
rating_filter_abort_downvoted = 0
rating_filter_abort_keywords = ""
rating_filter_pause_audio = 0
rating_filter_pause_video = 0
rating_filter_pause_encrypted = 0
rating_filter_pause_encrypted_confirm = 0
rating_filter_pause_spam = 0
rating_filter_pause_spam_confirm = 0
rating_filter_pause_downvoted = 0
rating_filter_pause_keywords = ""
enable_tv_sorting = 0
tv_sort_string = ""
tv_sort_countries = 1
tv_categories = ,
enable_movie_sorting = 0
movie_sort_string = ""
movie_sort_extra = -cd%1
movie_extra_folder = 0
movie_categories = movies,
enable_date_sorting = 0
date_sort_string = ""
date_categories = tv,
schedlines = ,
rss_rate = 47
ampm = 0
replace_illegal = 1
start_paused = 0
enable_all_par = 0
enable_par_cleanup = 1
enable_unrar = 1
enable_unzip = 1
enable_7zip = 1
enable_filejoin = 1
enable_tsjoin = 1
overwrite_files = 0
ignore_unrar_dates = 0
backup_for_duplicates = 1
empty_postproc = 0
wait_for_dfolder = 0
rss_filenames = 0
api_logging = 1
html_login = 1
osx_menu = 1
osx_speed = 1
warn_dupl_jobs = 1
helpfull_warnings = 1
keep_awake = 1
win_menu = 1
allow_incomplete_nzb = 0
enable_bonjour = 1
max_art_opt = 0
ipv6_hosting = 0
fixed_ports = 1
api_warnings = 1
disable_api_key = 0
no_penalties = 0
x_frame_options = 1
require_modern_tls = 0
num_decoders = 3
rss_odd_titles = nzbindex.nl/, nzbindex.com/, nzbclub.com/
req_completion_rate = 100.2
selftest_host = self-test.sabnzbd.org
movie_rename_limit = 100M
size_limit = 0
show_sysload = 2
history_limit = 40
wait_ext_drive = 5
max_foldername_length = 246
nomedia_marker = ""
ipv6_servers = 1
url_base = /sabnzbd
host_whitelist = rhea,
max_url_retries = 10
downloader_sleep_time = 10
ssdp_broadcast_interval = 15
email_server = ""
email_to = <REMOVED>
email_from = ""
email_account = <REMOVED>
email_pwd = <REMOVED>
email_endjob = 0
email_full = 0
email_dir = ""
email_rss = 0
email_cats = *,
log_level = 1
max_log_size = 5242880
log_backups = 5
ncenter_enable = 0
ncenter_cats = *,
ncenter_prio_startup = 0
ncenter_prio_download = 0
ncenter_prio_pause_resume = 0
ncenter_prio_pp = 0
ncenter_prio_complete = 0
ncenter_prio_failed = 0
ncenter_prio_disk_full = 0
ncenter_prio_new_login = 0
ncenter_prio_warning = 0
ncenter_prio_error = 0
ncenter_prio_queue_done = 0
ncenter_prio_other = 0
acenter_enable = 1
acenter_cats = *,
acenter_prio_startup = 0
acenter_prio_download = 0
acenter_prio_pause_resume = 0
acenter_prio_pp = 0
acenter_prio_complete = 0
acenter_prio_failed = 0
acenter_prio_disk_full = 1
acenter_prio_new_login = 0
acenter_prio_warning = 0
acenter_prio_error = 0
acenter_prio_queue_done = 0
acenter_prio_other = 0
ntfosd_enable = 0
ntfosd_cats = *,
ntfosd_prio_startup = 0
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prowl_cats = *,
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prowl_prio_error = -3
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prowl_prio_other = 0
pushover_token = <REMOVED>
pushover_userkey = <REMOVED>
pushover_device = ""
pushover_emergency_expire = 3600
pushover_emergency_retry = 60
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pushover_cats = *,
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pushover_prio_download = -2
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pushover_prio_warning = 1
pushover_prio_error = 1
pushover_prio_queue_done = -1
pushover_prio_other = -1
pushbullet_enable = 0
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pushbullet_prio_error = 0
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nscript_enable = 0
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nscript_prio_failed = 1
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nscript_prio_error = 0
nscript_prio_queue_done = 1
nscript_prio_other = 1
name = news.usenetexpress.com
displayname = news.usenetexpress.com
host = news.usenetexpress.com
port = 563
timeout = 60
connections = 50
ssl = 1
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 1
optional = 0
retention = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 10
notes = ""
name = news.eweka.nl
displayname = news.eweka.nl
host = news.eweka.nl
port = 563
timeout = 60
connections = 50
ssl = 1
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priority = 10
notes = ""
name = *
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pp = 3
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newzbin = ""
priority = 0
name = movies
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pp = ""
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = tv
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = audio
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = software
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
[[Planet Cart]]
name = Planet Cart
uri = https://api.nzbplanet.net/rss?t=-2&dl=1&i=424980&r=<HASH>fdee975&del=1,
cat = ""
pp = ""
script = ""
enable = 1
priority = -100
filter0 = "", "", "", A, *, -100, 1