SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

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SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

Post by daboyz1 »

I just found out the Python 3.9 is not supported for Windows 7. It seems that the SAB Windows installer tries to use Python 3.9 as the default when setting up SAB 3.2.0, though the release notes specify that the minimum version of Python is 3.6.

Is there anyway to get the new beta version to work with Win7 or will we be stuck with 3.11?
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Re: SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

Post by sander »

Indeed: SAB on Windows says "Python Version: 3.9.1 (tags/v3.9.1:1e5d33e, Dec 7 2020, 17:08:21) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] [cp1252]" says "The installer now also actively disallows installation on Windows 7. Python 3.9 is incompatible with this unsupported version of Windows."

So what exactly do you encounter on your Windows 7? What (error) message do you get?

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Is there anyway to get the new beta version to work with Win7 or will we be stuck with 3.11?
If you're good with software, you can run SABnzbd from source, with python 3.8. See ... ce-windows
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Re: SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

Post by sander »


So: "(32bit and legacy)"-version
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Re: SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

Post by daboyz1 »

Thank you for getting back to me.
I was in the exact same boat as user DrakeJones was when he opened issue #1770. I was able to get the standalone 32-bit version to work too. Just wondering why a legacy 32-bit version was compiled instead of a 64-bit? Both DrakeJones & I are using Win7 x64. Was it because it would be able to run on more systems?

I was also able to get 3.2.0beta2 running when I installed it from source too. It is a little more complicated, as I do not know Python or using dev tools, but the instructions are well written and I was able to follow them.

Just one more question, I have been running SAB as a Windows service since I started using it. In the future, if I were to install an updated version from source, is there a way to have the program run as a Windows service or will I need to rely on a legacy standalone version to do it?
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Re: SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

Post by safihre »

The legacy Standalone version can be used as Windows service, that's not possible when running from sources.
Don't worry, the performance of the 32bit version is no different from the 64bit one.
And yes, there is still people running 32bit systems just as there are people running Windows 7 for their own specific reasons ;)
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Re: SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

Post by daboyz1 »

Is the legacy version going to be an on-going thing for forthcoming releases?

Thank you very much for the assistance and advice. I LOVE the program!
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Re: SABnzbd 3.2.0 Beta & Windows 7

Post by safihre »

Most likely it will stay for a long while :)
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