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Enable Indexer Integration under Switcher > indexing
Posted: January 31st, 2021, 4:55 pm
by sabuser2020
I added my inderxer API, but was wondering how SABnzbd is able to determin my indexer provider. Documentation doesn't explain that part. Does Sabnzbd use some kind of black magic to figure out my provider? ... tches#toc6
Re: Enable Indexer Integration under Switcher > indexing
Posted: January 31st, 2021, 5:09 pm
by sander
Never used it myself, but did you check inside such a NZB? Is the URL or the name of indexer in there?
Re: Enable Indexer Integration under Switcher > indexing
Posted: January 31st, 2021, 6:07 pm
by sabuser2020
I always had it enabled to help weed out the junk files, but never knew if it was working. I came up with this question today since I added a second indexer to my setup.
To keep things working, I adjusted the indexer priorities on sonarr/radarr for the indexer API key I used on SABnzbd and will just leave it like that.
Thanks for the info!
Re: Enable Indexer Integration under Switcher > indexing
Posted: February 1st, 2021, 8:11 am
by safihre
Yeah the one in SABnzbd doesn't really work with multiple indexers.
We do get the URL from the NZB, if the indexer provides it. But not many do..