Out of Server Retention

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Posts: 12
Joined: February 24th, 2008, 3:08 am

Out of Server Retention

Post by Ancillas »


I'm running version 0.4.11.

When processing multiple queued items, the GUI will show several items in the unpacking process, but with no progress indicator (the animated gif spins, but the GUI is not updating any information).  If I stop sabnzbd and restart it, sabnzbd will continue un-raring my downloaded items and it will display an error message on the item that it got stuck on:

Download failed - Out of your server's retention?

There are no errors in the log.  The download is completing successfully and the rar files are being decompressed, but not being deleted.  The decompressed files and the rar files are present in the INCOMPLETE folder, but they aren't being copied to the correct TV folder (TV sorting is turned on).

I read a few posts that attributed this to file length, but several items with longer names complete successfully on a regular basis.  

Any ideas?
Last edited by Ancillas on August 30th, 2009, 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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