Currently the Time-Taken of a download is displayed in minutes and seconds, but the Par2 and unrar stages are displayed in secconds only.
I'd like to see those times in the same format. So, in stead of 'Verified in 131.4s' I'd like to see: 'Verified in 2 minutes and 11.4 seconds')
Also, I'd like to know the total time of the complete job. Would it be possible to log this and display the total processing time ?
Current log information:
Code: Select all
Stage Download
[Time-Taken]: 42 minutes 49 seconds
[Avg-Speed]: 1414kB/s
Stage Par2
[PAR-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Verified in 131.4s, all files correct
[DEL-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Deleted 2 file(s)
Stage Unrar
[RAR-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Unpacked 13 files/folders in 315.4s
[DEL-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Deleted 69 file(s)
Code: Select all
Stage Download
[Time-Taken]: 42 minutes 49 seconds
[Avg-Speed]: 1414kB/s
Stage Par2
[PAR-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Verified in 2 minutes and 11.4 seconds, all files correct
[DEL-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Deleted 2 file(s)
Stage Unrar
[RAR-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Unpacked 13 files/folders in 5 minutes and 15.4 seconds
[DEL-INFO] XXXXXXXXX: => Deleted 69 file(s)
[Total Time-Taken] 50 minutes and 10 seconds