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25 processes of sabnzbdplus - is this normal?

Posted: January 11th, 2022, 4:56 am
by td540
I’m trying to get sabnzbdplus to work on my local network, but after trying to figure out the PID of sabnzbdplus, I noticed these:


Is this normal?
I installed it using

Code: Select all

sudo apt install sabnzbdplus

I can only access the sab interface from my Raspberry Pi where it’s running on, but I wish it was available to other LAN devices. Just like other applications like Transmission and Plex are. I’m using its default port 8081. Here’s a screenshot of my settings:

(API & NZB keys have been reset after this screenshot)

Re: 25 processes of sabnzbdplus - is this normal?

Posted: January 11th, 2022, 5:08 am
by sander
Yes, htop output is normal: threads of SABnzbd (not processes).

Quote from google-hit: "htop shows individual threads as separate processes by default, similarly to how ps -AL would. If you press capital H it will switch to only showing the main processes (pressing it again switches back). Each thread's summary information actually reflects the whole process, so they don't have separate memory counts etc. The threads will show R when active and S when not active, although because htop only refreshes every few seconds you can't actually monitor their activity easily that way, as thread switches happen much faster than that."

SABnzbd host: fill out, Save, and Restart SABnzbd

I’m using its default port 8081.
That is not SAB's default port. That's 8080

Re: 25 processes of sabnzbdplus - is this normal?

Posted: January 11th, 2022, 8:16 am
by td540
Thanks for the help! I tried changing host to, and port to 8080, Saved and Restarted, but the change is not persisting. It stays the same.





Also tried editing ~/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini but after restart (sudo systemctl restart sabnzbdplus.service), again the changes get reverted…

Re: 25 processes of sabnzbdplus - is this normal?

Posted: January 11th, 2022, 8:26 am
by td540
-rw------- 1 pi pi 7.8K Jan 11 14:19 .sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini

Redacted config file:

Code: Select all

 __version__ = 19
__encoding__ = utf-8
win_menu = 1
queue_complete = ""
https_port = ""
folder_rename = 1
password_file = ""
movie_rename_limit = 100M
ionice = ""
https_key = server.key
cleanup_list = ,
notified_new_skin = 1
rating_filter_enable = 0
cache_limit = 959.7 M
rating_enable = 0
fail_hopeless_jobs = 1
par_option = ""
web_color = Default
inet_exposure = 4
enable_recursive = 1
selftest_host =
pre_check = 0
replace_spaces = 0
host_whitelist = homepi,
dirscan_speed = 5
enable_filejoin = 1
api_key = 45f9945892a06e6ba457a90860fd4399
no_penalties = 0
load_balancing = 2
rating_filter_abort_video = 0
osx_speed = 1
dirscan_dir = ""
disable_api_key = 0
quota_period = m
overwrite_files = 0
enable_7zip = 1
rating_filter_pause_audio = 0
rss_filenames = 0
password = ""
permissions = ""
quota_day = ""
require_modern_tls = 0
ssl_ciphers = ""
auto_disconnect = 1
use_pickle = 0
quota_size = ""
warn_empty_nzb = 1
movie_extra_folder = 0
history_limit = 10
rating_filter_pause_encrypted_confirm = 0
enable_all_par = 0
enable_https_verification = 1
replace_dots = 0
win_process_prio = 3
ipv6_hosting = 0
series_propercheck = 1
enable_bonjour = 1
movie_sort_extra = -cd%1
https_chain = ""
warned_old_queue = 10
enable_unzip = 1
download_free = ""
port = 8081
email_dir = ""
wait_ext_drive = 5
pre_script = None
ipv6_servers = 1
quick_check_ext_ignore = nfo, sfv, srr
enable_date_sorting = 0
email_full = 0
enable_tsjoin = 1
log_dir = logs
rating_filter_pause_encrypted = 0
queue_limit = 20
admin_dir = admin
nzb_backup_dir = ""
tv_sort_countries = 1
date_categories = tv,
ignore_empty_files = 0
osx_menu = 1
show_sysload = 2
no_dupes = 0
date_sort_string = ""
schedlines = ,
host = ""
ignore_unrar_dates = 0
rating_filter_pause_video = 0
ignore_samples = 0
sanitize_safe = 0
req_completion_rate = 100.2
language = en
movie_sort_string = ""
rating_filter_pause_spam_confirm = 0
multipar = 0
html_login = 1
direct_unpack_tested = 0
api_logging = 1
pause_on_post_processing = 0
debug_log_decoding = 0
allow_incomplete_nzb = 0
rating_filter_abort_keywords = ""
enable_unrar = 1
enable_meta = 1
direct_unpack = 0
url_base = /sabnzbd
email_account = ""
email_server = ""
converted_nzo_pickles = 1
config_lock = 0
quota_resume = 0
api_warnings = 1
wait_for_dfolder = 0
tv_sort_string = ""
rating_filter_abort_encrypted = 0
rating_filter_pause_keywords = ""
warn_dupl_jobs = 1
username = ""
email_rss = 0
no_series_dupes = 0
propagation_delay = 120
download_dir = /mnt/storage/downloads-incomplete
size_limit = 0
enable_par_cleanup = 1
safe_postproc = 1
new_nzb_on_failure = 0
nzb_key = da0a755a01cb4c128441efd99e3f15c7
complete_dir = /mnt/storage/downloads
x_frame_options = 1
rating_filter_pause_downvoted = 0
replace_illegal = 1
rating_filter_abort_audio = 0
nomedia_marker = ""
max_art_opt = 0
rating_filter_abort_encrypted_confirm = 0
check_new_rel = 1
bandwidth_max = ""
local_ranges = 192.168.178.,
enable_https = 0
email_to = ,
direct_unpack_threads = 3
sfv_check = 1
keep_awake = 1
top_only = 0
auto_browser = 0
email_from = ""
unwanted_extensions = ,
max_art_tries = 3
rating_filter_abort_spam_confirm = 0
email_endjob = 0
movie_categories = movies,
tv_categories = ,
rss_odd_titles =,,
pause_on_pwrar = 1
rating_filter_pause_spam = 0
backup_for_duplicates = 1
fixed_ports = 1
rss_rate = 60
refresh_rate = 1
sched_converted = 2
history_retention = 0
rating_filter_abort_downvoted = 0
script_can_fail = 0
script_dir = ""
bandwidth_perc = 0
email_pwd = ""
empty_postproc = 0
ignore_wrong_unrar = 0
email_cats = *,
nice = ""
rating_host = ""
enable_movie_sorting = 0
https_cert = server.cert
max_url_retries = 10
fsys_type = 0
action_on_unwanted_extensions = 0
rating_api_key = ""
reject_duplicate_files = 0
flat_unpack = 0
auto_sort = 0
ampm = 0
rating_filter_abort_spam = 0
start_paused = 0
web_dir = Glitter
folder_max_length = 256
enable_tv_sorting = 0
queue_complete_pers = 0
max_log_size = 5242880
log_level = 1
log_backups = 5
ncenter_prio_download = 0
ncenter_prio_warning = 0
ncenter_cats = *,
ncenter_prio_new_login = 0
ncenter_prio_queue_done = 1
ncenter_prio_startup = 1
ncenter_prio_failed = 1
ncenter_prio_disk_full = 1
ncenter_prio_error = 0
ncenter_enable = 0
ncenter_prio_complete = 1
ncenter_prio_pp = 0
ncenter_prio_other = 0
nscript_cats = *,
nscript_prio_complete = 1
nscript_prio_other = 0
nscript_prio_warning = 0
nscript_prio_queue_done = 1
nscript_prio_failed = 1
nscript_prio_pp = 0
nscript_prio_new_login = 0
nscript_script = ""
nscript_prio_download = 0
nscript_prio_error = 0
nscript_prio_startup = 1
nscript_parameters = ""
nscript_enable = 0
nscript_prio_disk_full = 1
pushover_prio_error = 1
pushover_enable = 0
pushover_cats = *,
pushover_prio_new_login = -3
pushover_prio_complete = -1
pushover_prio_warning = 1
pushover_prio_startup = -3
pushover_prio_queue_done = -1
pushover_prio_other = -3
pushover_prio_disk_full = 1
pushover_prio_pp = -3
pushover_emergency_expire = 3600
pushover_device = ""
pushover_token = ""
pushover_emergency_retry = 60
pushover_prio_failed = -1
pushover_prio_download = -2
pushover_userkey = ""
growl_prio_disk_full = 1
growl_enable = 0
growl_prio_new_login = 0
growl_prio_other = 0
growl_prio_download = 0
growl_server = ""
growl_prio_startup = 1
growl_prio_failed = 1
growl_prio_queue_done = 1
growl_prio_warning = 0
growl_prio_error = 0
growl_prio_complete = 1
growl_cats = *,
growl_prio_pp = 0
growl_password = ""
prowl_prio_disk_full = 1
prowl_prio_error = -3
prowl_prio_download = -3
prowl_apikey = ""
prowl_prio_failed = 1
prowl_prio_pp = -3
prowl_cats = *,
prowl_prio_new_login = -3
prowl_enable = 0
prowl_prio_startup = -3
prowl_prio_warning = -3
prowl_prio_other = -3
prowl_prio_complete = 0
prowl_prio_queue_done = 0
acenter_prio_warning = 0
acenter_prio_disk_full = 1
acenter_prio_new_login = 0
acenter_cats = *,
acenter_prio_startup = 0
acenter_prio_download = 0
acenter_prio_error = 0
acenter_prio_queue_done = 1
acenter_enable = 0
acenter_prio_failed = 1
acenter_prio_complete = 1
acenter_prio_pp = 0
acenter_prio_other = 0
ntfosd_prio_queue_done = 1
ntfosd_enable = 1
ntfosd_cats = *,
ntfosd_prio_error = 0
ntfosd_prio_startup = 1
ntfosd_prio_complete = 1
ntfosd_prio_pp = 0
ntfosd_prio_warning = 0
ntfosd_prio_other = 0
ntfosd_prio_disk_full = 1
ntfosd_prio_new_login = 0
ntfosd_prio_download = 0
ntfosd_prio_failed = 1
pushbullet_prio_error = 0
pushbullet_prio_download = 0
pushbullet_prio_queue_done = 0
pushbullet_cats = *,
pushbullet_prio_complete = 1
pushbullet_enable = 0
pushbullet_device = ""
pushbullet_prio_failed = 1
pushbullet_prio_other = 0
pushbullet_apikey = ""
pushbullet_prio_disk_full = 1
pushbullet_prio_new_login = 0
pushbullet_prio_pp = 0
pushbullet_prio_startup = 0
pushbullet_prio_warning = 0
username = #redacted
priority = 0
enable = 1
displayname = #redacted
name = #redacted
ssl_ciphers = ""
notes = ""
connections = 20
ssl = 1
host = #redacted
timeout = 60
ssl_verify = 2
send_group = 0
password = #redacted
optional = 0
port = 563
retention = 0
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = tv
script = Default
newzbin = ""
order = 0
dir = ""
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = movies
script = Default
newzbin = ""
order = 0
dir = ""
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = software
script = Default
newzbin = ""
order = 0
dir = ""
priority = 0
pp = 3
name = *
script = None
newzbin = ""
order = 0
dir = ""
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = audio
script = Default
newzbin = ""
order = 0
dir = ""
pp = ""
enable = 1
name = #redacted
script = ""
uri = #redacted
cat = ""
priority = -100
filter0 = "", "", "", A, *, -100, 1

Re: 25 processes of sabnzbdplus - is this normal?

Posted: January 11th, 2022, 8:31 am
by td540

Code: Select all

pi@homepi:~ $ sudo ss -lnpt | grep 8081
LISTEN    0         5         *        users:(("sabnzbdplus",pid=761,fd=5))

Re: 25 processes of sabnzbdplus - is this normal?

Posted: January 11th, 2022, 8:43 am
by td540
Ok, solved it! I was changing the wrong config: /etc/default/sabnzbdplus turned out to be the one

Code: Select all

pi@homepi:~ $ sudo nano /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
pi@homepi:~ $ sudo service sabnzbdplus restart

Re: 25 processes of sabnzbdplus - is this normal?

Posted: January 11th, 2022, 9:10 am
by sander
well done ...