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German umlauts
Posted: January 12th, 2023, 12:47 pm
by Scarfaro
Sabnzbd has a reproducible problem with german umlauts in the NZB backup folder.
The german special characters like ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß turns into garbage like ü ö ä Ãig Ã
ae oe ue Ae Oe Ue ss would be correct
It would be great if you could fix this bug.
Re: German umlauts
Posted: January 12th, 2023, 1:27 pm
by sander
SABnzbd has no problem with that.
Maybe your filesystem or your operating system has a problem with that.
when I download ... s-10MB.nzb with SAB, the result is:
... with Umlaut and Ringel-S!
Re: German umlauts
Posted: January 12th, 2023, 3:11 pm
by safihre
No he's talking about the NZB backup folder, not the download.
What OS are you on? Are you using SABnzbd 3.7.1?
Maybe you can share one of these NZB's?
Re: German umlauts
Posted: January 12th, 2023, 3:42 pm
by Scarfaro
I use SABnzbd 3.7.1 on Ubuntu Linux 22.04.1
an example: with rss i download Das.Letzte,.was.du.hörst.(Gekürzt) and in the NZB backup folder is saved Das.Letzte,.was.du.hörst.(Gekürzt).nzb.gz
I am only concerned with the name of the nzb not the file itself.
Re: German umlauts
Posted: January 13th, 2023, 3:08 am
by sander
So ... there is an umlaut in the NZB filename, which you fetch via HTTP/HTTPS? Yes, that could be tricky: is UTF-8 or other encoding allowed in URLs?
I tried with the URL你好世界.nzb
(which seems alo to be ... %95%8c.nzb )
and the download works. Plus: it goes well in my backup directory
Code: Select all
-rw------- 1 sander sander 1439 jan 13 09:05 你好世界.nzb.gz
So fine with SAB itself. But non-ASCII in URLs can be tricky, so what does your sabnzbd.log say?
Especially for you: ... kürzt).nzb ... bcrzt).nzb
with nice result in backup dir:
Code: Select all
sander@brixit:~/.sabnzbd$ ll nzb-backup/ | grep -i letz
-rw------- 1 sander sander 1478 jan 13 09:16 Das.Letzte,.was.du.hörst.(Gekürzt).nzb.gz