sabnzbd queue API bug in quota and left_quota

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sabnzbd queue API bug in quota and left_quota

Post by tagwolf »

Both quota and left_quota have spaces after them when they show 0, and possibly other values in both json and xml in the queue api:

Version: 3.7.2


Code: Select all

quota: "0 "
left_quota: "0 "

Code: Select all

<quota>0 </quota>
<left_quota>0 </left_quota>
This will cause many scripts and other things to treat these values as strings. If they are floats please output "0.0". Otherwise "0" would be correct. There might be other values with this issue too but these are the ones I noticed. Thanks!
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Re: sabnzbd queue API bug in quota and left_quota

Post by sander »

Can you find the cause in sabnzbd source code? And if so, maybe you can create a pull request on with the corrected code?
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Re: sabnzbd queue API bug in quota and left_quota

Post by safihre »

That's not a bug. That's been like that for ages and other tools came to rely on it.
I once tries to change things to int and float, and all the external tools broke.
So yeah, it's ugly, but it's just the way it's always been.
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