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*Fixed* - SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 3:55 am
by mental
Working again on 3.72.


Version: 3.7.2 [fab36ec]
Uptime: 0m
Config File: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini
Parameters: "C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe"
Python Version: 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 11:34:34) [MSC v.1928 32 bit (Intel)] [cp1252]
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021

This is from the logs but the weird thing is , I see no erros? From the startup of version 4

2023-04-30 10:39:57,928::INFO::[SABnzbd:1168] --------------------------------
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1169] SABnzbd.exe-4.0.0
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1179] Commit = 5e42e25617150256dee23c08fa6f78e2502e46f7
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1181] Full executable path = C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1182] Arguments = "C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe"
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1183] Python-version = 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 11:34:34) [MSC v.1928 32 bit (Intel)]
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1184] Dockerized = False
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1185] CPU architecture = AMD64
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1188] Platform = nt - Windows-2008ServerR2-6.1.7601-SP1
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1194] Preferred encoding = cp1252
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1216] SSL version = OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1225] Certifi version = 2022.12.07
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1226] Loaded additional certificates from C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\certifi\cacert.pem
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1247] Using INI file \\?\C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini
2023-04-30 10:39:58,162::INFO::[postproc:134] Loading postproc queue
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:190] Scheduling RSS interval task every 60 min (delay=47)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:201] Scheduling VersionCheck on day 1 at 20:34
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:215] Setting schedule for midnight BPS reset
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:218] Setting schedule for server expiration check
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:223] Setting schedule for server quota check
2023-04-30 10:39:58,271::INFO::[__init__:329] All processes started
2023-04-30 10:39:58,302::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Glitter is \\?\C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\interfaces\Glitter
2023-04-30 10:39:58,318::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Config is \\?\C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\interfaces\Config
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:423] SABCTools module (v7.0.1)... found!
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:424] SABCTools module is using SIMD set: SSE2
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:425] SABCTools module is linked to OpenSSL: True
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:444] Cryptography module (v40.0.2)... found!
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:447] MultiPar binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\multipar\par2j64.exe)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:456] UNRAR binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\unrar\x64\UnRAR.exe)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:472] 7za binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\7zip\7za.exe)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,552::INFO::[SABnzbd:1304] HTTPS keys are OK
2023-04-30 10:39:58,552::INFO::[SABnzbd:1436] Starting web-interface on
2023-04-30 10:39:58,552::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:58] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2023-04-30 10:39:58,817::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:58] ENGINE Serving on
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:59] ENGINE Serving on
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:59] ENGINE Bus STARTED
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[SABnzbd:1481] Starting SABnzbd.exe-4.0.0
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[dirscanner:111] Dirscanner starting up
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[notifier:123] Sending notification: SABnzbd - SABnzbd 4.0.0 started (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2023-04-30 10:39:59,394::INFO::[database:558] Scheduled history purge

The next lines start a download by checking for my newsserver ip and then spins up the multiple connections. The entries are in the below format, I have obfuscated news server name and IP but you get the gist.

2023-04-30 10:40:00,892::INFO::[downloader:665] 1@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,313::INFO::[happyeyeballs:97] Quickest IP address for *.*.* (port 563, preferipv6 False) is x.x.x.x
2023-04-30 10:40:01,375::INFO::[downloader:665] 2@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,375::INFO::[downloader:665] 3@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 4@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 5@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 6@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 7@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 8@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 9@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 10@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 11@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 12@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 13@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 14@*.*.*: Initiating connection


2023-04-30 10:40:01,843::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 3@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 4@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 5@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 1@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 2@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 6@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 7@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 8@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 9@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 10@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 11@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 12@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 15@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)

and then it just ends like this and the next entry is the restart of the downgrade. Previous would be the restart of the v4.

2023-04-30 10:40:02,030::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 42@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:44:14,686::INFO::[SABnzbd:1167] --------------------------------
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1168] SABnzbd.exe-3.7.2
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1178] Commit = fab36ec008e7716eb243f12eae2ea13e0d19c623
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1180] Full executable path = C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1181] Arguments = "C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe"

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 5:26 am
by sander
As this is on Windows, the python version is automatically correct. Furthermore SAB is running (and reachable, right), so different problem & subject.

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 5:29 am
by sander
Which Windows is this? The python version is 32-bit?

Which install of SABnzbd? The 32-bit aka "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)"?

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 5:54 am
by mental
sander wrote: April 30th, 2023, 5:29 am Which Windows is this? The python version is 32-bit?

Which install of SABnzbd? The 32-bit aka "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)"?
Correct. This running on a old windows home server os. The instance runs fine in "standby" , it only crashes once you initiate a download and based on the logs, I think its when its starting the file transfer as it looks like the handshakes and connections all seem fine.

Is there a way to specify errors in the logs? I saw a setting but if I understand it, by default it logs errors and warnings and then you chose to log additional info etc?

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 6:52 am
by sander
Hmmm. Common problems with SABnzbd's "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)" version on older Windows versions:

1. installing over an existing install, leading to incorrect binary/sabnzbd files
2. missing / wrong DLLs

So ... how did you install? Can you install into C:\TEMP\SAB400_test\ ? And from there run python-console.exe? And in SAB's webinterface, set Logging to +Debug ... via the Wrench symbol in the upper right corner.


We did big changes in SABnzbd SSL downloading. So does non-NNTPS / plain NNTP download work?


Make sure SABnzbd is not running anymore
In the directory where SABnzbd.exe is, open CMD, and do this:

Code: Select all

SABnzbd-console.exe -l2 -b1

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 8:03 am
by airguy
I have the same exact trouble with SABnzbd crashing at the start of the download. I am running it on Windows Server 2008 R2 (WHS 2011). 3.72 works fine. I have re-installed several times, but always repeats crashing when a download is started. Went back to 3.7.2 for now until this is resolved.

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 9:28 am
by sander
airguy wrote: April 30th, 2023, 8:03 am I have the same exact trouble with SABnzbd crashing at the start of the download. I am running it on Windows Server 2008 R2 (WHS 2011). 3.72 works fine. I have re-installed several times, but always repeats crashing when a download is started. Went back to 3.7.2 for now until this is resolved.
If it is crashing, not just stopping downloading, start a separate thread. This thread is not about crashing. "In computing, a crash, or system crash, occurs when a computer program such as a software application or an operating system stops functioning properly and exits. "

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 9:29 am
by safihre
Just double checking that all of you have extracted the Standalone version to a new empty folder? So not used the same folder as 3.7.2?

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 12:00 pm
by mental
sander wrote: April 30th, 2023, 9:28 am
airguy wrote: April 30th, 2023, 8:03 am I have the same exact trouble with SABnzbd crashing at the start of the download. I am running it on Windows Server 2008 R2 (WHS 2011). 3.72 works fine. I have re-installed several times, but always repeats crashing when a download is started. Went back to 3.7.2 for now until this is resolved.
If it is crashing, not just stopping downloading, start a separate thread. This thread is not about crashing. "In computing, a crash, or system crash, occurs when a computer program such as a software application or an operating system stops functioning properly and exits. "

Mine is crashing as well, not just stopping the download. The entire instance dies

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 12:01 pm
by mental
safihre wrote: April 30th, 2023, 9:29 am Just double checking that all of you have extracted the Standalone version to a new empty folder? So not used the same folder as 3.7.2?
I normally extract to the same folder, never bothered with a new one.

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 12:02 pm
by mental
sander wrote: April 30th, 2023, 6:52 am Hmmm. Common problems with SABnzbd's "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)" version on older Windows versions:

1. installing over an existing install, leading to incorrect binary/sabnzbd files
2. missing / wrong DLLs

So ... how did you install? Can you install into C:\TEMP\SAB400_test\ ? And from there run python-console.exe? And in SAB's webinterface, set Logging to +Debug ... via the Wrench symbol in the upper right corner.


We did big changes in SABnzbd SSL downloading. So does non-NNTPS / plain NNTP download work?


Make sure SABnzbd is not running anymore
In the directory where SABnzbd.exe is, open CMD, and do this:

Code: Select all

SABnzbd-console.exe -l2 -b1
I'll give this a go and feedback.

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 1:09 pm
by sander
mental wrote: April 30th, 2023, 12:00 pm
Mine is crashing as well, not just stopping the download. The entire instance dies
Also for you:

1. make sure SABnzbd is not running. Use your (extended) taskmanager
2. download "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)" and unpack it into C:\TEMP
3. open CMD and go into C:\TEMP\SABnzbd-4.0.0\
4. in there, start SABnzbd-console.exe with SABnzbd-console.exe -l2 -b1
5. if if stops downloading, or crashes, post the full output, or (if you're a new user) on and post the URL here with spaces in it like pastebin . com / f8dd8d8d

Only then we can analyze. Only "it crashes" does not help.

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: April 30th, 2023, 2:24 pm
by safihre
I can confirm the problem.
Will work on a fix.

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: May 1st, 2023, 3:42 pm
by safihre
Pushed a fixed release, 4.0.1.
We now included 32bit in the testing framework for continuous testing of also this release.

Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Posted: May 2nd, 2023, 2:30 pm
by airguy
4.01 works fine now. Thank you for your work.