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Button/shortcut to folders

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 6:29 pm
by Bruce1984

First of all, very nice piece of software! :) Awesome, keep up the great work!

Secondly, I was wondering if there could be a feature added with which you can enter the folders on your hard drives fast.
I couldn't find such a thing, nor could I find something like this in the already requested section, but please forgive me if there's already such a feature incorporated and/or present.

A small button next to each completed download which directly opens the folder where all files were extracted would be nice, at least that's something I would like to see (added) :).

Thanks for reading and hopefully this is something to work on?


Re: Button/shortcut to folders

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 7:59 pm
by rollingeyeball
I also would LOVE to see this, but I'm not holding my breath.
I've actually seen this mentioned before, but it may have been on the old forum, or another forum altogether.

IIRC shypike or someone said that it wouldn't really work unless you're on the same computer that SAB is running on which of course, not everyone is.
He also mentioned not actually being able to open the file, but I don't think he thought of file: links.

Anyway, I can't imagine it happening, sorry =/

Re: Button/shortcut to folders

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 11:22 pm
by rollingeyeball
I found it hard to believe you were wrong, but I also knew that I was right, so I tested it.


Apologies :P

Re: Button/shortcut to folders

Posted: September 30th, 2009, 12:45 am
by tastynzb
actually all u need to do is open a network location and launch vlc. I had it working with hellaworld+hellanzb+greasemonkey

Re: Button/shortcut to folders

Posted: September 30th, 2009, 5:57 am
by shypike
What SABnzbd doesn't know is the relation between the local path on the server
and the network path as seen by the client.
Suppose the local server path is d:\data\nice.
The network path may very well be \\server\videos.

In your example the greasemonkey script had probably a hard-coded
local-to-remote mapping.

Re: Button/shortcut to folders

Posted: September 30th, 2009, 8:39 pm
by Bruce1984
Thanks for the replies everyone.
Too bad something similar isn't possible, at least that's what I gather so far.

If there's any way this can be done, perhaps not implemented within SABnzbd itself in future releases because it wouldn't work for most,
but possibly an add-on for those who'd like it, that would be great.

If not, too bad :), I'll still use SABnzbd  ;)  ;D