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Series and films started downloading with the wrong names

Posted: March 5th, 2024, 8:04 am
by kevindownward
Hi, this is a strange one but my series and films have started being processed by SABnzbd incorrectly, in that some randomly have started downloading without the same names as other episodes and into other folders than all other episodes of the same name, I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before?


E.g. in Emby I see 2 folders with the series name (slightly different)


In the new folder which is created the files are looking like this rather than the below which is the way it is in the correct folder


It seems to be something to do with naming, I've noticed that the latest episode's of some series are downloading with slightly different names.

Also some of the new series even though they are the right name in the right folder thy seem to be downloading loads of folders with the same info.


Thanks in advance.