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SABNZBd synology app creates folders with rights issues

Posted: July 11th, 2024, 1:56 pm
by HanslH
Using SABNZBd fomr windows long no issues.
Now tried synology version on the NAS which works fine except the download subfolder for each download is not accesible from anywhere in the network until I enter DSM as admin and set the folder rights. Which setting where?

Re: SABNZBd synology app creates folders with rights issues

Posted: July 12th, 2024, 5:16 am
by safihre
You should set in DSM on the main download folder of SABnzbd the correct permissions, so that your admin user or network-users can see the folder. Then make sure to check the Inherit permissions checkbox.
This way the new downloads will get the right permissions.