SABnzbd proxmox lxc dies every 3-5 hours with no logs showing errors

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SABnzbd proxmox lxc dies every 3-5 hours with no logs showing errors

Post by renzo »

Hi everyone,
my sabnzbd instane hosted inside a proxmox lxc dies randomly every 3-5 hours but with no logs produced that show any sign of error. The container cannot be stopped afterwards, so i assume it has something to do with mounts(i mounted a nfs share for finished downloads and a lvm for a incomplete folder) , but i cannot say that for sure. The logs produced look like the following:

Code: Select all

2024-10-30 17:45:58,652::INFO::[directunpacker:328] DirectUnpacked volume 27 for <HASH>937d3be
2024-10-30 17:46:01,946::INFO::[assembler:88] Decoding finished /mnt/usenet/incomplete/
2024-10-30 17:46:02,147::INFO::[directunpacker:328] DirectUnpacked volume 28 for <HASH>937d3be
2024-10-30 17:46:05,605::INFO::[assembler:88] Decoding finished /mnt/usenet/incomplete/
2024-10-30 17:46:05,806::INFO::[directunpacker:328] DirectUnpacked volume 29 for <HASH>937d3be
2024-10-30 17:46:09,234::INFO::[assembler:88] Decoding finished /mnt/usenet/incomplete/
2024-10-30 17:46:09,435::INFO::[directunpacker:328] DirectUnpacked volume 30 for <HASH>937d3be
2024-10-30 19:00:51,366::INFO::[notifier:157] Sending notification: Warning - Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting... (type=warning, job_cat=None)
2024-10-30 19:00:51,366::WARNING::[__init__:199] Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting...
2024-10-30 19:00:51,367::INFO::[__init__:441] [N/A] Performing SABnzbd shutdown
2024-10-30 19:00:51,367::INFO::[__init__:358] SABnzbd shutting down...
2024-10-30 19:00:51,367::INFO::[ssdp:102] Stopping SSDP
2024-10-30 19:00:51,369::INFO::[directunpacker:561] Aborting all DirectUnpackers
Notice the sudden cut in time, which was where I stopped the entire Server due to it being unresponsive(not reachable by web and lxc shell also being dead. The download was also not finished, and continued afterwards.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
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Re: SABnzbd proxmox lxc dies every 3-5 hours with no logs showing errors

Post by sander »

/mnt/usenet/incomplete/ ... incomplete on a remote-mounted drive? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Re: SABnzbd proxmox lxc dies every 3-5 hours with no logs showing errors

Post by sander »

2024-10-30 19:00:51,366::INFO::[notifier:157] Sending notification: Warning - Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting... (type=warning, job_cat=None)

If that is not you, or proxmoc cleaning up, and you don't want it, maybe ... 20received. is useful?
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Re: SABnzbd proxmox lxc dies every 3-5 hours with no logs showing errors

Post by renzo »

No, incomplete is on a lvm mounted from proxmox, so no network share if that is what you mean. or does it have to be on the local lvm? As i said, the signal 15 was me shutting down the complete machine "which was where I stopped the entire Server due to it being unresponsive"
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Re: SABnzbd proxmox lxc dies every 3-5 hours with no logs showing errors

Post by sander »

As long as Incomplete on something very local, and not on NFS, it should be OK

> As i said, the signal 15 was me shutting down the complete machine

OK ... ? What is your question then?
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