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nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 16th, 2009, 9:41 pm
by sixones
I've started work on a new episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+, its currently in the early stages of development so its far from perfect. I wanted to share here so hopefully a few people can give it a go and help me find issues!

The aim with nzbVR is to create a web application that can monitor Newzbin (and in the future other providers) for upcoming reports, unlike other episode schedulers nzbVR can be used to monitor for anything. Allowing you to sit back and [removed by moderator] every other week!

Recent Announcement:
The next major version of nzbVR will be in Ruby, which will put the application closer to a self packaged environment as the only initial requirement will be Ruby + RubyGems. nzbVR will include its own web server, so it will be able to use any port (much similar to SABnzbd+). This will also lead to the distribution of binary packages for each platform which have no dependencies whatsoever but will not be available straight away.

nzbVR in Ruby will include a host of new features;
- NZBMatrix, Newzbin (these will be extendable, if someone can invite me to I can add support).
- Self aware updates and download checks, no need for cron or scheduled tasks
- Improved performance for NAS support (no more memory hogs in the data storage)
- New Series UI with a step-by-step watcher wizard
- Support for SQL databases (sqlite3 by default but can be changed to MySQL for extra performance benefits)
- Improved dashboard UI (with quick search abilities)
- Searches across multiple providers (use one search query to look over Newzbin + NZBMatrix (+ more in the future) at the same time)
- All packaged as a tiny binary for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows and ARM (with no dependencies)

- Scheduled episode downloads
- Automatic searches for movies *new*
- Generic monitored searches
- Newzbin search interface
- XBMC, Prowl + Growl notification *new*
- iPhone web UI *in-progress*
- Skinnable *new*
- TV Series + Movie information with locally cached artwork

- Git (required for install and auto-update)
- SABnzbd+ (0.49+ - authenticates through API key only)
- Newzbin account
- Web Server + PHP5 (mod-rewrite + virtual host recommended but not required)
- XBMC (optional)

If anyone is interested in contributing, please contact via a PM in the SABnzbd forums or through Github.

Download + more information available on the Github project page;

Default skin screenies:


See the Github project page for a few screenies of the default and iphone skin, I will try and make some clean / safe screenies for the SABnzbd+ forum.

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 17th, 2009, 4:13 am
by switch
Please could you re-do your screenshots without breaking the SABnzbd forum rules.

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 17th, 2009, 10:35 am
by sixones
I've removed the screenshots for now, they can all be seen on the Github project page;

In the future, I will blur the names out so they dont break the forum rules!

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 5:35 am
by nutski
I've just installed and all i get is the main screen showing 'This can take a few minutes as nzbVR pulls data from third-party sites.' and the animated image of the circular dots, if i click on 'Settings' or any other item it does nothing.

Running it through an Apache install on Windows through XAMPP

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 5:37 am
by sixones
Humm, thats very strange! I will look into it tonight, are you using nzbVR in a sub-directory or a virtual host? If its in a sub-directory you will need to manually edit the settings.xml file.

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 5:41 am
by nutski
Its in a subdirectory, i had it create the settings.xml and i amended it to /nzbvr/ like it says in the readme, before i did this it didn't load the stylesheet or the processing image

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 5:53 am
by sixones
If you load the main page and view the source there is 2 javascript variables, can you make sure they are correct?

Should look something like;

var BASE_URL = "/nzbvr/";
var SKIN_URL = "/nzbvr/skins/default/assets/";

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 6:27 am
by nutski
Yeap they are correct

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 6:29 am
by sixones
Humm if you go directly too; /nzbvr/series.html do you get some html returned? Is there anyway you can check where the AJAX request is being sent off, you can usually use Firebug or the Safari console.

Thanks for the debug info!

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 6:42 am
by nutski
Just went to use Firebug and the page loaded correctly on Firefox! Might be an IE8 issue, compatibility view didn't help, I think i've still got a few machines in the office on IE7 so i'll try on there and post back.

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 6:44 am
by sixones
oh okay, there has been problems mentioned with IE8. I havent tested at all in IE yet, will do that tonight though hopefully the issues will be easily fixed. thanks for reporting, will let you know when i've commited a fix!

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 6:54 am
by nutski
Still got a few issues but i'll spend some time looking first because it may be setup issues, i'll post back later if i have more trouble

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 8:39 am
by nutski
Tried IE6 earlier and will not work on there either currently

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 9:25 am
by nutski
Everything looks fine but after i enter any settings it will not save, stays on the screen with the animated circle, also does this if i try to add a new show etc.
Seems like it can not write to the relevant files for some reason

Re: nzbVR (alpha) - Episode scheduler and report monitor for SABnzbd+

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 9:28 am
by sixones
That sounds like a permission problem, you need to grant read + write access to data/ and everything inside it in linux or osx you can do; chmod -R 777 data/