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Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 12th, 2008, 1:15 am
by rascalli
I have been using this Gui for some time : SABnzbdGUI

Works really nice and pretty handy.

made by jer00n , some comments from him :

Like many people I’ve been using SABnzbd, the webbased Usenet downloader, for a while because it’s so light (other than, for example, Newsleecher). Another pro is that it’s totally free (which Newsleecher is not - I wonder why the Newsleecher team expects someone who downloads binaries from usenet to pay money for a program…).

But there isn’t really a way to control SABnzbd very easily. To pause it you have to start your browser, point to localhost:8000/sabnzbd et cetera.

Therefore, I have made a small tool that runs in the Windows taskbar. Click it and a popup-menu will appear that easily lets you pause, resume, start and stop SABnzbd. As a bonus some other handy features like downloading progress (in %) and direct links to your download-directory. I gave it the beautiful name ‘SABnzbdGUI’ or sabnzbdgui.

Edit .. contacted the author .. but no luck so far
Seems that it's not working with Plush , anyone tried with default ??

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 13th, 2008, 3:16 am
by RXP
Can't get this working with Plush?

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 19th, 2008, 4:50 am
by Pepreal
I got maybe a bug, sabnzbd is on remote pc and, if i choice on my pc (not remote) it stil ask where the sabnzbd.exe file is

[10:46:29] SABnzbdGUI started.
[10:46:29] [EXCP] Access violation at address 00433734 in module 'sabnzbdgui.exe'. Read of address 00000000

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 19th, 2008, 4:21 pm
by JER00N
Indeed there are some (big  ::) ) problems with getting SABnzbdGUI to work with SABnzbdplus and especially when you use fancy templates like Plush. However, today I've been working on it again (after a long time) and I was quite successful in getting it working again. Using the xml-output eliminates the problems that were caused by most templates. Unfortunately some variables can't be used anymore (for example ETA), I will post a feature request about that so the guys from SAB+ can put it in their next version.

The next version (1.0!) of SABnzbdGUI will be released in a day or two I guess, so keep an eye on my website ( :)

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 1:45 am
by rascalli
Hi JER00N , good to see you are working on it .. nice job.
Looking forward to new version

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 20th, 2008, 6:39 am
by JER00N
pair of dimes wrote: Jer00n good to hear from you -- just so you know you can determine the ETA by doing math with the mb/mbleft/kbpersec vals.
Haha, why didn't I think of that?  :D

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 22nd, 2008, 1:49 pm
by JER00N
OK, 'been busy with it and I just put it on my website available for download: !

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 22nd, 2008, 7:27 pm
by auskento
I posted on your website, but will post here too.

I get an error when trying to configure a remote connection.

It always asks to locate the sabnzbd.exe file

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 28th, 2008, 4:17 am
by Snow
Nice addition for those among us running on a Winbox  8)
Will test the new (beta) release when i get home  :)

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: May 17th, 2008, 2:01 am
by alexaa
I am having problems with this and every other add on. I have tried using different interfaces but I always get the same errors:

They can never connect to the server.

Here is what the log displays:

[3:06:59 AM] Can't connect to remote address. - Socket Error # 10061
Connection refused.
[3:06:59 AM] [EXCP] '' is not a valid floating point value
[3:07:07 AM] Waiting for server to go online. Hit Retry Connection in the menu to reconnect.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

i changed my user names and p/w to ****** for this copy and paste

here is my config file for the GUI:

infoInterval=12:00:10 AM
tempPause=30000,30 s;60000,1:00;300000,5:00;600000,10:00


location=C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe


;        Don't edit anything below this line.

here is my sabnzb config file:

__version__ = 18
log_dir = D:\Downloads\Usenet Cache\logs
auto_browser = 1
permissions = ""
check_new_rel = 1
replace_spaces = 0
fail_on_crc = 1
create_group_folders = 0
enable_filejoin = 1
enable_unzip = 1
enable_unrar = 1
enable_save = 1
auto_disconnect = 1
enable_par_cleanup = 1
config_lock = 0
safe_postproc = 1
pause_on_post_processing = 0
cleanup_list = ,
ignore_samples = 1
send_group = 0
download_dir = D:\Downloads\Usenet Cache\sabnzb\tempDL
download_free = 0
complete_dir = d:\downloads
script_dir = ""
nzb_backup_dir = ""
cache_dir = D:\Downloads\Usenet Cache\cache
dirscan_dir = D:\Downloads\Usenet Cache\nzbs
dirscan_speed = 5
refresh_rate = 5
rss_rate = 1
bandwith_limit = 0
cache_limit = 0
email_server = ""
email_to = ""
email_from = ""
email_account = ""
email_pwd = ""
email_endjob = 0
email_full = 0
schedlines = ,
dirscan_opts = 3
dirscan_script = ""
top_only = 1
auto_sort = 0
enable_tv_sorting = 0
tv_sort_string = ""
web_color = white
web_color2 = ""
host = localhost
port = 8081
web_dir = smpl
web_dir2 = ""
username = ******
password = ******
tv_sort = 0
tv_sort_seasons = 1
enable_cherrypy_logging = 1
log_level = 1
max_log_size = 5M
log_backups = 5
username = ******
password = ******
bookmarks = 0
unbookmark = 0
bookmark_rate = 12
create_category_folders = 0
host = ******
port = 119
username = ******
password = ******
connections = 6
timeout = 120
fillserver = 0
ssl = 0
pp = 0
script = ""
dir = D:\Downloads\TV-new
pp = 0
script = ""
dir = D:\Downloads\GAMES-NEW
pp = 0
script = ""
dir = D:\Downloads\Movies-NEW
pp = 3
dir = D:\Downloads\APPS

Re: Sabnzbd Gui for windows

Posted: February 24th, 2011, 3:25 am
by Legster
This addon is no longer present at the website of the author and thus cn no longer installed.