Firstly, I'd like to thank the people behind SABnzbd, as it's a fantastic piece of software that does everything I could ever need from a usenet reader. So thanks!
I have done my best to put in the title what the problem is, but I'll give a bit more description here.
OS: Windows 7 RC1 - upto date.
Install-type: Windows Installer
Skin (if applicable): Default
Firewall Software: Windows Firewall, Router
Are you using IPV6? No
Is the issue reproducible? yes
Issue: When I first started using SABnzbd's RSS feature a week or so a go, all was well, I managed to let it run and it grabbed a couple of NZB's fine! However, now, it won't grab them, well it does, but it doesn't lol (irony eh?)
It will read the NZB, it will report it has downloaded it, but it won't queue it up, then when I try to forcefully download it, it again doesn't show in the queue, in the logs it says that there is a duplicate NZB, which they may just be, but the files haven't downloaded for me. But a common issue I saw pop up after it would tell me there is a duplicate NZB is a line like this one:
Code: Select all
2009-10-23 14:08:18,164::WARNING::[sabnzbd.misc] Cannot read c:\users\username\appdata\local\temp\tmpml81j2.php
Code: Select all
2009-10-23 14:03:31,539::WARNING::[sabnzbd.misc] Cannot read c:\users\danny\appdata\local\temp\tmp1aiayg.php
2009-10-23 14:03:30,338::WARNING::[sabnzbd.misc] Cannot read c:\users\danny\appdata\local\temp\tmp4z771i.php
2009-10-23 14:03:29,121::WARNING::[sabnzbd.misc] Cannot read c:\users\danny\appdata\local\temp\tmptc7qr8.php
And if it has nothing to do with why NZB's can't automatically queue anymore, then does anyone know what is causing the issue?