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.5 beta difficulty seeing interface
Posted: December 7th, 2009, 12:06 am
by lovemymacs
Hi - I just switched to .5 Beta - pretty much everything is fine but one thing: I have to keep hitting the refresh button in the address bar to even see the interface, I'm constantly getting a completely blank white page but if I hit refresh a few times I can see it for a few moments to do what I need to do before it disappears again. Switching to another window like configure or history, etc. guarantees this happening. Kind of a nuisance. Also I think that the refresh interval is doing what it wants. I set it to 0 so that I could fiddle around with the files as they're open but the refresh takes me out of that over and over again mostly leaving the screen completely blank again. I'm using the default skin by the way.
Re: .5 beta difficulty seeing interface
Posted: December 7th, 2009, 4:18 am
by shypike
What kind of web browser are you using? I doesn't sound very healthy (the browser I mean).
Have you tried smpl or Plush?
Re: .5 beta difficulty seeing interface
Posted: December 10th, 2009, 2:09 pm
by ringojo
I'm running the .5 beta and had a problem seeing the web interface running through apache mod_proxy.
The intermittent errors were "HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout"
I needed to add "SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1" to my apache.conf as a workaround.
It's a problem/behavior of cherrypy I believe that is the cause.
Re: .5 beta difficulty seeing interface
Posted: December 10th, 2009, 6:50 pm
by shypike
Yes, cherrpy is a bit of a problem.
We're on a non-official release because we needed the bugfixes is it.
The problem is that we're not looking forward to going to
a later release because we never know which new incompatibilities they
put in this time.
At the end of the release cycle for 0.5.0, we're not going to change cherrypy.
This does mean you have to live with its current short-comings.
When there is a new official CherryPy release, we will it integrate in SABnzbd's
next major release.