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Upgrading/Updating Beta releases... simple "how to" question for Mac users

Posted: December 28th, 2009, 4:00 am
by Papa B
Well, I'm new enough to sabnzbd+ to say that I started with 0.5.0Beta1

PowerBook G4
OSX 10.5.8
Firefox 3.5.6

Trying to take care of my own glitches, find my own answers, etc. but one simple question has me stumped...

New Beta releases are out and I'm not sure what the PROPER method is for installing "over" what I already have.
I "want" to just drag the old .app to the trash, put a copy of the newer .app in my applications folder... and be done.
Do I need to do anything else, i.e., delete any plists or directories???
Is "common sense" enough to decide whether or not to delete and replace Bookmarks and/or Cookies?

I have no doubt someone will answer this for me but I am also frustrated that I couldn't find it myself.
Is there a thread or an area in the wiki dedicated to fairly simple "newbie" stuff like this?

BTW, the tolerance, friendliness, and overall positive attitude in this forum/community are outstanding.
Keep up the good work.

Papa B

Re: Upgrading/Updating Beta releases... simple "how to" question for Mac users

Posted: December 28th, 2009, 5:57 am
by shypike
You can install the new version over the old one.
The new one will re-use the settings files, but not
the current download queue.
Also it will not show the old history.

Re: Upgrading/Updating Beta releases... simple "how to" question for Mac users

Posted: December 28th, 2009, 8:34 pm
by Papa B
Thanks.  I was pretty sure that would be the case or it would have been made clear somewhere that there was more to it.
Guess I was looking for something that I didn't need to worry about.
It was critical to delete the plist for another project I followed a while back.

BTW, I just went from Beta 1 to Beta 5 and my History is all still there.
I did not have anything in my Queue though, when I made the switch.
I thought I'd read somewhere that they would both stay intact from now on.

Either way, I'm happy I came across this project.  I had lost touch with Usenet.
Now I'm back... already setting up myNZB on my Touch... Good stuff.

Re: Upgrading/Updating Beta releases... simple "how to" question for Mac users

Posted: December 29th, 2009, 5:40 am
by shypike
My mistake, I assumed you were upgrading from 0.4.12 to 0.5.0.
There are no issues with upgrading from one Beta to another.