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Queue pane freeze upon changing item position

Posted: January 16th, 2010, 8:41 am
by ncjok
Version: 0.5.0 Beta 6
OS: Windows 7 final 64-bit
Browser: Firefox 3.5.7
Install-type: Windows zip
Skin: Smpl 1.3
Firewall Software: Windows Firewall
Are you using IPV6?: No.
Is the issue reproducible?: First occurance, not yet repeated.

With four items in the queue (#0 active, #1, #2 & #3 paused), I saved another nzb into the monitored directory which SABnzbd promptly added into position five (#4). I re-prioritised #4 to #1 and at this point the queue pane ceased to update. Status in the top-right, however, does continue to be updated.

Screenshot depicts green highlight = continued updating, red highlight = frozen.

click for full size.

Note that the issue can be resolved by reloading (Ctrl-R) the web interface.

Re: Queue pane freeze upon changing item position

Posted: January 16th, 2010, 9:23 am
by shypike
Thanks for the tip.
Won't be solved for 0.5.0, but will be tackled later.