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Unable to make Sabnzb download same files again with Prevent Duplicate

Posted: February 6th, 2010, 10:11 am
by groentebroer
Version: 0.5.0RC3
OS: Linux
Install-type: python source

After enabling the option "Prevent Duplicate Download" to avoid multiple downloads from nzbindex (, I ran againts te following problem.
I wanted "refetch" an item from the the nzbindex RSS feed, because the previous download went wrong. Completely by the specs this could not be done without removing the .nzb file from the "backup nzb file" directory.
But after I deleted it there, it would not schedule it for download either. This was not wat I expected.
After a little bit of searching, I removed everything from the "cache" folder and restarted SABnzbd again. Now the matching item from the RSS feed is scheduled for downloading again.

What is the cache policy in SABnzbd?
Would this problem have resolved itself in time, because the cache got cleared automatically after a while?
Is there a way in the interface to clear the cache?

Thanks in advance!


Re: Unable to make Sabnzb download same files again with Prevent Duplicate

Posted: February 6th, 2010, 10:43 am
by shypike
RSS feeds have their own "memory".
The titles are kept until 4 weeks after they are no longer present in the feed.
You can clean the whole cache by deleting rss_data.sab in the cache folder.
(Stop SABnzbd, remove file, restart).
Watch out for side-effects: all your feeds will get starred jobs, because
for SABnzbd they are all new.

It's probably simpler to go to the site of the feed and get your file there.