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Sorting not placing show names in file names

Posted: February 12th, 2010, 8:36 am
by biohzrd
Hello, first post here. Loving sabnzbd+ so far! Please let me know if I can post more info to assist.

Version: 0.0.0RC6 (Also happened on RC3)
OS: Windows 7, all updates installed
Install-type: Windows Installer
Skin (if applicable): Plush
Firewall Software: None
Are you using IPV6? No
Is the issue reproducible? Yes

My issue is that sorting does not work as expected. My TV sorting is:
%sn Season %s\%s.n.S%0sE%0e.%e.n.%ext
So that the files should come out looking like:
However, they come out on several different shows looking like:

I checked the nzb and original files, and in all cases where Episode.Name was actually there, it was never sorted with it in it.

Re: Sorting not placing show names in file names

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 1:03 pm
by blitzvergnugen
Version: 0.5.0 RC3
OS: Windows 7 x64
Install-type: Windows Installer
Skin (if applicable): Plush
Firewall Software: None
Are you using IPV6? no
Is the issue reproducible? (yes/no)

Having a similar issue.  Using the sorting

Code: Select all

1x01 Season Folder:
%sn/Season %s/%sn - %sx%0e - %en.%ext
Example: Show Name/Season 1/Show Name - 1x05 - Episode Name.avi
and it's coming out

Code: Select all

Show Name/Season 1/Show Name - 1x05 - Episode Name/showname.1x05.avi
I have TV Sorting checked and enabled.  Using Newzbin with nzbStatus.  Category is set properly when downloading, renaming is just getting messed up.

Re: Sorting not placing show names in file names

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 7:15 pm
by blitzvergnugen
Just upgraded to RC6 and it's fixed.