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RSS feed was empty?

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 6:51 pm
by mkopel
I have been having a sporadic problem with an RSS feed. When I hit preview I get the following msg:
incorrect parameter
RSS feed was empty

This feed has worked in the past, and I have occasionally seen this msg.
any ideas on what could be the issue?
Version: beta5rc6
OS:  OSX Leopard
Install-type:  OSx .app
Skin (if applicable): Plush
Firewall Software: None
Are you using IPV6? no
Is the issue reproducible? yes

Re: RSS feed was empty?

Posted: February 19th, 2010, 3:20 am
by shypike
Has it stopped working altogether or do you just
occasionally get this message?
RC6 now doesn't issue warnings anymore when
doing scheduled scans.
However, it will report any problem it sees when you use Preview.
RSS feeds are not infallible.
As long as the problem is not persistent, there's no issue.

Re: RSS feed was empty?

Posted: February 19th, 2010, 12:48 pm
by mkopel
whenever the feed is empty is just shows the "incorrect parameter, RSS feed was empty". When I have a new nzb in the feed it shows it fine, with the download link and all my previous history of the feed... I guess I would expect it to show all the previous history even if the feed is empty.... try previewing an empty feed vs. one with something in it, I would be curious if there is something about this feed, or if the problem was in the way sabnzb is handling the preview of an empty feed.

so to answer your question, yes it seems persistent whenever the feed is empty.

thanks for the help...

if you would like, I could pm you the particular feed I am using.

Re: RSS feed was empty?

Posted: February 19th, 2010, 1:01 pm
by shypike
SABnzbd only shows NZBs that are actually present in the feed.
However it does remember them, so if an empty feed is populated again, you'll see the old NZBs again.
We also decided to give clear feedback on any problem when the user clicks Preview.
This makes it easier to diagnose problems.

I suspect that it's a transient problem in your case.

The schedules feed scan will no longer log warnings.

PM the the feed, just in case it's an odd one.
Please give the full URL you are using.