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Newzbin Fetching bookmark error

Posted: March 25th, 2010, 10:50 pm
by jivgm
Never seen this before.  havent changed a thing so no idea what it'd be from.

EX:  "fetching msgid 5221219 from"  Just sticks in the queue but never actually fetches.  Just stays there.  Had a warning yesterday that "newzbin changed its protocol."

Any idea  how to get it to fetch properly would be much appreciated.  :)

Re: Newzbin Fetching bookmark error

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 3:40 am
by shypike
Possible due to a (temporary) problem with newzbin.
What happens if you delete the job and re-enter the report number?

Re: Newzbin Fetching bookmark error

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 12:33 pm
by Zinu
Can anyone confirm having this atm? I've added the job this morning and now it's still fetching with the above error. Might be that newzbin is messing up, but I would like that confirmed by someone else here.

Re: Newzbin Fetching bookmark error

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 1:23 pm
by bonca
yes 14779days

Re: Newzbin Fetching bookmark error

Posted: June 20th, 2010, 7:01 am
by Hmail
Look at this topic: It's a newzbin issue.

Re: Newzbin Fetching bookmark error

Posted: June 20th, 2010, 5:07 pm
by Megaton
It was working earlier today, but now in my logfile I get the following messages:

2010-06-20 23:51:58,875::INFO::[newzbin:231] Fetching NZB for Newzbin report #
2010-06-20 23:52:01,344::INFO::[newzbin:298] Newzbin says we should wait for 52 sec
2010-06-20 23:53:02,359::INFO::[newzbin:231] Fetching NZB for Newzbin report #
2010-06-20 23:53:07,089::INFO::[newzbin:298] Newzbin says we should wait for 58 sec
2010-06-20 23:54:14,415::INFO::[newzbin:231] Fetching NZB for Newzbin report #
2010-06-20 23:54:18,703::INFO::[newzbin:298] Newzbin says we should wait for 48 sec
2010-06-20 23:55:15,511::INFO::[newzbin:231] Fetching NZB for Newzbin report #
2010-06-20 23:55:18,020::INFO::[newzbin:298] Newzbin says we should wait for 60 sec
2010-06-20 23:56:27,451::INFO::[newzbin:231] Fetching NZB for Newzbin report #
2010-06-20 23:56:29,320::INFO::[newzbin:298] Newzbin says we should wait for 53 sec

Re: Newzbin Fetching bookmark error

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 5:18 am
by shypike
That's the newzbin rate-limiting that kicks in.
SABnzbd was working perfectly with the old newzbin.
We're not prepared to spend time on newzbin2 support until they are stabilized.
They claim compatibility with the old newzbin, so it's up to them to keep their promise.