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NZBMatrix - Movie TV Titles!

Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 9:24 pm
by deepblue
Hi All,

I've recently had to convert to NZBMatrix and was impressed to see that the integration with the API works great for SAB.

When I retrieve movies from Newzbin, SAB picks up a neat and tidy () in the queue (and subsequent folder naming).

For example, Downloading:

"The Greatest Film of All Time (2010)"

Creates a Folder with this same title.

NZBMatrix has their movies listed in a format that includes the codec, release group and other attributes, which seems to carry over to the SAB queue, and subsequently the folder name, again.

In this case you might download:

"The Greatest Film of All Time Unrated 2010 720p DTS KICKASSGroup"

And again, you get a folder named this same way...which doesn't play well with XBMC or Media Companion for lookups.

Can anyone recommend a setting or post processing script I can use to assist me here? Ideally, I want the exact same behavior as Newzbin where just queuing the download puts the title in the correct format of Title (year).


Re: NZBMatrix - Movie Titles

Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 9:52 pm
by chokomon
I noticed the same thing.

Here's what I did:
- go to Config / Sorting
- check "Enable Movie Sorting"
- in the "Sort String" box, put:  %title (%y)/

This seemed to fix it for me.

Re: NZBMatrix - Movie Titles

Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 9:56 pm
by deepblue
chokomon - wow, thanks, that looks like it will work great.

One other thing I noticed is that HD movies get flagged as "HD" and some of the TV content is coming in 'uncategorized'. You see the same? Come up with any solutions?


Re: NZBMatrix - Movie Titles

Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 11:13 pm
by chokomon
If you're referring to SAB not auto-detecting categories when getting NZBs from nzbmatrix (like it does with newzbin), yeah, that's annoying.  If you use nzbdstatus, someone has posted a possible fix.

Re: NZBMatrix - Movie Titles

Posted: April 4th, 2010, 8:54 am
by deepblue
chocomon - again, thanks, that seems to have fixed me up!

Re: NZBMatrix - Movie Titles

Posted: April 4th, 2010, 2:32 pm
by deepblue
Ok - another NZBMatrix annoyance vs. Newzbin that hopefully chokomon or someone else has figured out.

TV Sorting doesn't seem to work as expected. I have it enabled with the sorting mask:
%sn\Season %s\%sn - %sx%0e - %en.%ext

Which should yield:

X:\Show Name\Season 1\Show Name - 1x05 - Episode Name.avi

Instead, it appears it is simply taking the NZB title and dumping the files underneath like this:

X:\\The Greatest TV Show of All Time S01 720p DTS BestGroup\XXXX-Filenames as downloaded-XXXX.avi

Is there any way to force TV Sorting when downloading from NZBMatrix that anyone is aware of?


Re: NZBMatrix - Movie TV Titles!

Posted: April 4th, 2010, 6:08 pm
by chokomon
Can't help there.  I personally use a simple sort string to dump tv shows (with their original file names) in a "\Show Name" directory: %sn/  - that works for me with nzbmatrix. 

If you can't get it to work, you might try Sick Beard - one of its features is an alternative post-processing script that should do what you want.

Re: NZBMatrix - Movie TV Titles!

Posted: May 1st, 2010, 9:09 pm
by lithiumc
I am having the same issue the suggested fix does not seem to work for me..? I am running 5.2 RC1