Run XenonMKV to convert to .mp4 for 360, then launch Sick Beard Post Proc
Posted: April 27th, 2010, 9:39 am
ok, im sure this script is laughable to some of you advanced script writers, but this is what i wrote. and it works.
Here is what it does
puts itself in the proper directory
checks to see if an .mkv exists, if not it goes straight to Sick Beard for the (presumably) .avi file to be renamed and sorted
runs xenonmkv to convert the .mkv to xbox 360 compatible .mp4
if the conversion was successful, delete the original .mkv file
launch sabtosickbeard to rename and sort the files
wait 15 seconds before attempting to delete the original download dir (via ping command, im sure a better way exists)
if i dont wait 15 seconds, sometimes i would get a "directoy in use" error.
ok, feel free to adjust it to your liking. Xenonmkv.exe needs to be in your PATH. Also, This script
assumes your sick beard install dir is E:\Sickbeard so change it to whatever it actually is.
if you improve upon it, please post below in the comments.
Here is what it does
puts itself in the proper directory
checks to see if an .mkv exists, if not it goes straight to Sick Beard for the (presumably) .avi file to be renamed and sorted
runs xenonmkv to convert the .mkv to xbox 360 compatible .mp4
if the conversion was successful, delete the original .mkv file
launch sabtosickbeard to rename and sort the files
wait 15 seconds before attempting to delete the original download dir (via ping command, im sure a better way exists)
if i dont wait 15 seconds, sometimes i would get a "directoy in use" error.
Code: Select all
cd /d %1
IF EXIST *.mkv XenonMKV.exe -inputfolder %1 -outputfolder %1
cd /d %1
IF EXIST *.mp4 del *.mkv
E:\SickBeard\autoProcessTV\sabToSickBeard.exe %1
ping -n 1 -w 15000
cd ..
rmdir %1
ok, feel free to adjust it to your liking. Xenonmkv.exe needs to be in your PATH. Also, This script
assumes your sick beard install dir is E:\Sickbeard so change it to whatever it actually is.
if you improve upon it, please post below in the comments.