The title says it all...
Is it safe to use SabNZBD+ with newzbin without the bookmarks feature?
Safe to use 0.4.0b1 without bookmarks?
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Re: Safe to use 0.4.0b1 without bookmarks?
Sure, after you fix the par2 problem.
Re: Safe to use 0.4.0b1 without bookmarks?
what about the Linux version?shypike wrote: Sure, after you fix the par2 problem.
Is it safe to give it a go if you are running it on Linux and do not use newzbin?
Is it still possible to donwload it, even if you know and accept the issues?
I would like to give it a try but missed the download link.
Re: Safe to use 0.4.0b1 without bookmarks?
If you do not use the Bookmark function then there is no problem.
The only reason we will remove this function is to prevent people from being banned by newzbin.
The only reason we will remove this function is to prevent people from being banned by newzbin.
Re: Safe to use 0.4.0b1 without bookmarks?
Hi,shypike wrote: If you do not use the Bookmark function then there is no problem.
The only reason we will remove this function is to prevent people from being banned by newzbin.
Is there a link from were I can download the BETA?
Re: Safe to use 0.4.0b1 without bookmarks?
Beta2 is out now (minus bookmarks, plus proper par2 program).