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sabnzbd cleanup movie folders

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 7:17 am
by binhex
hi all, been using this script for a while now and it seems to do the job nicely for me so thought i would release it, the script will do the following tasks:-

1. copy metadata to destination movie folder (metadata generated from script auto movie downloader) - can be enabled/disabled
2. copy coverart to desintation movie folder  (coverart generated from script auto movie downloader) - can be enabled/disabled
3. delete sd movie once hd movie with same name is downloaded - can be enabled/disabled
4. delete nzb file from sabnzbd archive folder - can be enabled/disabled
5. delete unwanted subfolders in movie folder - can be enabled/disabled
6. delete small files - size definable
7. copy hd movie folder from completed to destination folder - size definable
8. rename hd movie folder to identify for re-encode - size definable
9. process folders with files that have certain file extensions only - extension definable

to configure the script please open with IDLE (python editor) or text editor and change the parameters at the top of the script.

python script ver 1.0.1:-

ver 1.0.1
added in ability to detect path folder count for completed_dir as opposed to hard coded (was set to 6)

enjoy and please leave feedback if possible.



Re: sabnzbd cleanup movie folders

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 8:45 am
by mrloofer
no confing.ini in the zip file.

Edit: ok looking at the .py I see the config details in there. Probably want to make that clear in your readme file.

Re: sabnzbd cleanup movie folders

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 9:09 am
by binhex
mrloofer wrote: no confing.ini in the zip file.

Edit: ok looking at the .py I see the config details in there. Probably want to make that clear in your readme file.
good point, i have edited the original post and will put this in the readme.txt, thanks for your feedback and i hope the script works ok.