start SABnzbd+ from my domain without :8080
Posted: December 13th, 2010, 8:02 pm
I started off using Ubuntu and SABnzbd+ for a few weeks ago. And it works great
My only problem is that i has to start it from Is there any way I change the settings so i can skip the :8080 port? So I could start it from ? It would be to great help at my workplace since I'm blocked by a websense filter when i try to connect to my domain there..
Any way to get this to work?
Thanks in advance, and thanks for a great program.
I started off using Ubuntu and SABnzbd+ for a few weeks ago. And it works great
My only problem is that i has to start it from Is there any way I change the settings so i can skip the :8080 port? So I could start it from ? It would be to great help at my workplace since I'm blocked by a websense filter when i try to connect to my domain there..
Any way to get this to work?
Thanks in advance, and thanks for a great program.