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Lots of CRC errors on Extractions of Repaired/Verified Packs

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 2:57 pm
by daemox
Recently, more so than not (as in several failures, to one completed ) I've been getting a ton of CRC failures when verified and or repaired downloads go to extract. I am running on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x64.

It may well be just a ton of shoddy posts, but I'm hoping there's something I can do to help fix this as it's destroying my bandwidth usage. I've already disabled skip par to check on 100% valid files so not sure what else to try at this point. I've also reinstalled from scratch after purging my install and deleting all the left over folders.

I've included what I thought were some relevant log entries (everything on the same download), if there is anything else I can provide let me know!


Code: Select all

[SOMETHING] Verified in 2 seconds, all files correct
[SOMETHING] Repaired in 3 mins 1 sec

Code: Select all

2010-12-15 03:11:19,687::INFO::[postproc:271] Par2 check finished on SOMETHING
2010-12-15 03:11:19,750::INFO::[misc:839] Creating directories: /home/daemox/Downloads/Movies/SOMETHING/SOMETHING
2010-12-15 03:11:19,757::INFO::[postproc:315] Running unpack_magic on SOMETHING
2010-12-15 03:11:19,775::INFO::[newsunpack:185] Unrar starting on /home/daemox/Downloads/.hidden/Incomplete/SOMETHING
2010-12-15 03:11:19,777::INFO::[newsunpack:384] Extracting rarfile /home/daemox/Downloads/.hidden/Incomplete/SOMETHING/SOMETHING.part001.rar (belonging to SOMETHING) to /home/daemox/Downloads/Movies/SOMETHING/_UNPACK_SOMETHING
2010-12-15 03:17:58,885::WARNING::[newsunpack:505] ERROR: CRC failed in "SOMETHING"
2010-12-15 03:17:58,885::INFO::[newsunpack:189] Unrar finished on /home/daemox/Downloads/.hidden/Incomplete/SOMETHING
2010-12-15 03:17:58,913::INFO::[postproc:317] unpack_magic finished on SOMETHING

Re: Lots of CRC errors on Extractions of Repaired/Verified Packs

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 2:58 pm
by daemox
2) You are on Linux and are using your distro's equivalent of unrar-free instead of unrar. The "free" version of unrar is notorious for screwing up even the simplest actions. Solution: uninstall unrar-free and install unrar, either from your distro's repository or directly from RARLAB. SABnzbd conveniently warns you of this issue now.
Trying this!

Edit: Strike that, unrar not unrar-free was already installed.

Edit 2: Just to clarify I'm using Giganews and Post Process Only Verified jobs is checked/enabled.

Edit 3: I've installed the rarlabs rar and unrar applications to /usr/bin and retrying a recently failed download.

it's hard to troubleshoot other people's downloads

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 3:41 pm
by pobox
daemox wrote:It may well be just a ton of shoddy posts
I really dislike the whole idea of blaming screwed up posts; typically someone will say they can't download something and asks if it's the poster's fault, I give it a try and have no trouble.

Re: it's hard to troubleshoot other people's downloads

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 3:47 pm
by daemox
pobox wrote:
daemox wrote:It may well be just a ton of shoddy posts
I really dislike the whole idea of blaming screwed up posts; typically someone will say they can't download something and asks if it's the poster's fault, I give it a try and have no trouble.
Okay, well I'm trying to cover all my bases here bud. If you hadn't noticed that's one of several possibilities I've put forth and am testing for. If you want to help you can PM me and you can try and see if that's true in this case. Otherwise, please don't drift this post.

Re: Lots of CRC errors on Extractions of Repaired/Verified Packs

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 4:02 pm
by pobox
I'd love to help but I don't understand how SABnzbd+ works anymore, why it even attempts to unpack files that can't be unpacked.

Re: Lots of CRC errors on Extractions of Repaired/Verified Packs

Posted: December 16th, 2010, 2:41 am
by shypike
There's only one way to find out.
Let a different client download the same post.