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0.6.0 Beta: Retry PAR fails even though all files check ok

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 12:20 am
by meezo

I am getting a failed result for one of my downloads. When I hit retry it immediately fails. Checking the log files it shows me

Code: Select all

2011-02-21 20:57:32,625::INFO::[newsunpack:756] Par verify failed on ......
I tried both par-classic and par with -t- and no extra options

If I go and manually run par2 or par2-classic or QuickPar all the files check ok.

Thanks for your time,

Re: 0.6.0 Beta: Retry PAR fails even though all files check ok

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 2:33 am
by shypike
This maybe a case where the naming of the par2 files is non-standard.
QuickPar uses any par2 files you tell it to,
SABnzbd looks at naming patterns.
We're looking at an alternative method.

Re: 0.6.0 Beta: Retry PAR fails even though all files check ok

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 3:58 am
by Psykouz

I'm having the same problem, I haven't found any sollution yet!