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RSS editor not optimal
Posted: February 26th, 2011, 3:34 am
by Sypher
I dislike the new RSS editor. It is verrrrrrrrrrry slow (probably because of the direct RSS querying and the feed being down.
If you click the name, you have to wait a long while before it actually shows anything.
It is not really clear it is actually trying to load things.
Re: RSS editor not optimal
Posted: February 26th, 2011, 4:03 am
by shypike
Yes, there is something odd going on.
It's being looked at. The functionality is OK though.
Re: RSS editor not optimal
Posted: February 26th, 2011, 4:48 am
by shypike
The feed is not read when you click its name.
What does happen is than the existing content is re-evaluated against the filters.
For very large feeds this might take 1 or 2 seconds.
The feed being down has no influence, because it's not accessed.
The only exception is when you define a new feed.
Between clicking "add feed" and the display of the feed's tabs
there is a delay caused by the first read-out.
Re: RSS editor not optimal
Posted: February 26th, 2011, 11:05 am
by Sypher
It takes ~30 seconds to load the RSS config page with "only" 70 triggers. That is kind of long, isn't it?
Re: RSS editor not optimal
Posted: February 26th, 2011, 12:05 pm
by shypike
On what kind of hardware do you run SABnzbd?
"70 triggers" is that 70 entries in the feed?
How many filters do you have?
When clicking the feed name in the overview table, sometimes the feed is read and some times it isn't.
I'll get back to you when I have more results.