SABnzbd download speeds
Posted: March 1st, 2011, 5:15 pm
Hey guys,
I was wondering how fast SABnzbd should be downloading and what speeds you guys are getting? Right now I am using astraweb and I have SABnzbd running on my unraid server. It is plugged into my gigabit router through ethernet. My internet connection is 15Mbps usually more around 10. I usually get 1.5-1.8 MB/s on SAB. Is this what I should be getting? Would using giganewz provide me with faster download speeds?
I was wondering how fast SABnzbd should be downloading and what speeds you guys are getting? Right now I am using astraweb and I have SABnzbd running on my unraid server. It is plugged into my gigabit router through ethernet. My internet connection is 15Mbps usually more around 10. I usually get 1.5-1.8 MB/s on SAB. Is this what I should be getting? Would using giganewz provide me with faster download speeds?