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0.6.0b3 email stuff

Posted: March 8th, 2011, 1:24 pm
by jcfp
Just wanted to test the email stuff, so I navigated to the email settings of the smpl interface and hit 'test email'. Some observations:
  • After hitting the 'test email' link, a message comes up that says 'Emailsent', there should be a space there;
  • The messages said the mail had been sent while it actually hadn't. The program log showed 'ERROR::[emailer:105] Failed to send e-mail'. Is this message supposed to give real feedback or is it just there to indicate something happened after the user clicked the test link?
  • The cause for the failure to send the test email turned out to be garbled settings: my 'Email Recipient' was enclosed in square brackets and apostrophes and appeared in the web interface like so: ['[email protected]']. That must have happened somewhere between 0.5.x and the current beta. I don't normally use email notification, and only ever used it for testing purposes long ago.

Re: 0.6.0b3 email stuff

Posted: March 9th, 2011, 2:42 am
by shypike
Very odd, I'll check this.
The UI should show "Failed to send e-mail".
The square brackets are unlikely to have been caused by an upgrade.
Anyway, that's not the kind of error that's very likely to be reproducible :(

Re: 0.6.0b3 email stuff

Posted: March 9th, 2011, 12:21 pm
by shypike
The Emailsent message is indeed incorrect (typo).
There are two feedbacks: an message in the log and a plain text message, both on the Status page.
It's all bit curiously layed-out, but not worse than in 0.5.6.

Re: 0.6.0b3 email stuff

Posted: March 10th, 2011, 10:33 am
by shypike
Fixed it for the next Beta or RC.
I cannot get it quite right for smpl though.