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SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: April 30th, 2011, 9:16 pm
by bh22222
This happens almost every time I use SABnzbd.  It will get 4/5 of the way through a download and then suddenly stop downloading.  When I try to shut it down, the icon will show "stopping" for hours until I finally shut it down using Activity Monitor.  If I try to restart it, it will start frozen with the same issue.

I'm new at this, so please be gentle.

I'm using version 0.5.6 in Mac 10.6.6


Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 3:54 am
by shypike
Do you see anything suspect in the logging file?
Check the end of this file:
/Users/user/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/logs/sabnzbd.log
Check for error messages.
You can also email it to bugs at (please include the URL of this message).

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 4:25 am
by bh22222
I have sent a more thorough copy of the log to the email address. 

But does this mean something?

Failed to connect: (60, '[Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known')

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 5:01 am
by shypike
bh22222 wrote: Failed to connect: (60, '[Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known')
If the log file is full of them, it might indicate that the TCP/IP libraries of
Python (our programming language) or of OSX has a serious problem.

Can your browser still access internet sites when this happens?

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 5:09 am
by bh22222
shypike wrote:
bh22222 wrote: Failed to connect: (60, '[Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known')
Can your browser still access internet sites when this happens?
No, the browser doesn't work in this situation.  But I'm not sure if it has to do with my poor internet connection or something else. 

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 8:45 pm
by bh22222
Just tried the program again and this time, as I tried to shut it down, nothing would close or open.  No other applications would open and the pinwheel came on. 

I would think it was something wrong with my computer except that it happens on both of my Macs. 

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 13th, 2011, 2:50 am
by shypike
I'm sorry, there's nothing in the logs that suggest what could be happening.
I have a miniMac myself, but I've never seen this kind of trouble.

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 28th, 2011, 5:02 am
by DoozerUK
I can confirm I have the exact same issue.

Im running SABnzbd on a windows box.  Running v0.6.2

What I am beginning to notice when it happens, the first thing I see is that I have 0K downstream and no email notifications for hours.  I get emails for completed and failed jobs.  Last email was about 6 hours ago and I get about 1 email per 10 minutes, so thats how I can be sure it really is an issue.

If you have any thoughts or comments please let me know - thanks :)

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in "stopping" mode...

Posted: May 28th, 2011, 5:06 am
by DoozerUK
bh22222 wrote: This happens almost every time I use SABnzbd.  It will get 4/5 of the way through a download and then suddenly stop downloading.  When I try to shut it down, the icon will show "stopping" for hours until I finally shut it down using Activity Monitor.  If I try to restart it, it will start frozen with the same issue.
Are you running Sickbeard or CouchPotato by any chance as well?

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 4:06 pm
by aoaaron
bump.. same problem but on unraid. any solutions?

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 4:39 pm
by shypike
Have you looked at memory use?
I don't know on which OS unRaid is based, but I remember that on
openBSD or freeBSD, the Python interpreter is configured with a stack that's too small.
I cannot find the reference on the Forum any more :(

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 5:12 pm
by aoaaron
so is there no fix?

it works for 90% of people on unraid. i have 4GB of RAM and only run SAB/CP/SB.

have u looked into the nzb fetch thing? if i could just get SAB to restart, i'd be fine because it fetches the nzbs on restart.

my setting include 'no api required'.. if that makes a difference. its sooo annoying. otherwise the software/setup would be perfect. also can you run 2 SABs at the same time on the same machine?

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 1:30 am
by shypike
It's next to impossible to support embedded systems.
First, I don't have one, second unRaid runs on all sorts of hardware.
Third, such platforms have no debug support.
Unless a problem also occurs (and is reproducible) on other platforms,
there isn't much I can do.

It is possible to run multiple instances, just make sure that both
use a different -f parameter. They should have different folders for everything
abd use different web server ports.

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 3:23 am
by shypike
Can you see in the log file where it hangs?
This might give me some ideas where to look?

Re: SABnzbd freezes and then won't shut down. Stuck in

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 5:22 am
by DoozerUK
Hi Shypike,

Sorry - I have only just got a notification that there was a reply (not had one about the other posts in here!)

When I look in the logs, I cant see anything - the whole SAB Application appears to freeze, what I can see is that Par2 and the RAR programs are still running in the background.

Im not sure how SAB links to the apps, but as I am seeing it (right or wrong)

SAB Freezes / Locks up. Task Manager still shows memory resources being used and released, it is not static.
PAR2? and the Unzip programs (I cant remember the names of the apps as Im not at the windows box) are firing up, executing their tasks and then closing successfully.

But when I log into the HTML front end it all appears to have frozen. So in my mind, the webserver must be running as I can be authenticated, if I put a wrong UID or PWD it fails me - so I know its not a fluke getting in.

If I kill the SAB task fully and then restart SAB, the whole system becomes so unstable that it locks up again within a couple of minutes.

A full re-boot is the only way around it.

Is there a way I can enable full verbose logging and send you any raw capture files etc.?

Finally - do you have any official bug tracker you want me to log bugs into?