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Language setup in SABnzbd 0.6.0

Posted: May 13th, 2011, 12:06 pm
by sacii
I have successfully setup SABnzbd 0.6.0 to run on FreeNAS 7.2 / FreeBSD 7.3, however, the Language option under General Configuration is empty. Additionally, the Quick Start Wizard did not have any language choices either. Everything else is working perfectly. I did run after copying the source code to my system and it appeared to run normally.

Previous versions of SABnzbd had a language directory that provided language options if properly symbolically linked (ln -s /usr/local/share/sabnzbdplus/language /usr/local/bin/language). However, SABnzbd 0.6.0 does not have a language directory. Is it possible the language directory is somehow missing from the latest download? I have downloaded the file more than once to check. Is it possible that a different directory within the SABnzbd 0.6.0 file hierarchy now needs to be symbolically linked to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

Re: Language setup in SABnzbd 0.6.0

Posted: May 13th, 2011, 1:37 pm
by shypike
The translation must be in the "locale" subfolder.
Like this: locale\XX\LC_MESSAGES\

Re: Language setup in SABnzbd 0.6.0

Posted: May 13th, 2011, 2:40 pm
by sacii
You are correct, a symbolic link to the locale directory and a restart of SABnzbd+ fixes everything.

Thank you!