Nearly finished my SABnzbd setup. Stuck at post processing!
Posted: June 18th, 2011, 3:18 pm
Hey all, my first post. Up until a couple of weeks ago i never knew what sabnzbd was but i've needed something to automate my tv show downloads and someone pointed me towards sickbeard and sabnzbd and boy, what a piece of software!
Took a bit of getting used to a i never have used usenet before for downloads. I'm nearly done with my setup however i'm a little confused now with the post processing so i'm hoping someone can clear this up for me.
I am running windows home server (i don't want to use the sabnzbd add-in thanks). I have sickbeard and sabnzbd installed. I have sickbeard grabbing the nzb's from perfectly fine and communicating with sabnzbd to tell it to download the file.
I have 3 folders set up on a seperate hard drive which is not part of the storage pool. The folders are e:\usenet\incomplete, \complete and \nzbfiles.
What i need is for a completed download in the 'tv' category to be moved to \\hpserver\tv shows
How do i go around doing this? i've had a look but having no joy. I have moved the script files and sabtosickbeard.exe over from sickbeard into the sabnzbd directory and pointed the 'post processing script folder' field to that path in sabnzbd.
The completed download folder field is filled with e:\usenet\complete and so forth for the rest of the fields.
How do I tell it to move it to \\hpserver\tv shows?
Took a bit of getting used to a i never have used usenet before for downloads. I'm nearly done with my setup however i'm a little confused now with the post processing so i'm hoping someone can clear this up for me.
I am running windows home server (i don't want to use the sabnzbd add-in thanks). I have sickbeard and sabnzbd installed. I have sickbeard grabbing the nzb's from perfectly fine and communicating with sabnzbd to tell it to download the file.
I have 3 folders set up on a seperate hard drive which is not part of the storage pool. The folders are e:\usenet\incomplete, \complete and \nzbfiles.
What i need is for a completed download in the 'tv' category to be moved to \\hpserver\tv shows
How do i go around doing this? i've had a look but having no joy. I have moved the script files and sabtosickbeard.exe over from sickbeard into the sabnzbd directory and pointed the 'post processing script folder' field to that path in sabnzbd.
The completed download folder field is filled with e:\usenet\complete and so forth for the rest of the fields.
How do I tell it to move it to \\hpserver\tv shows?