[Windows] Pre-Queue Pause Item Script
Posted: August 27th, 2011, 11:06 pm
Didn't see a solution for this so here is something simple for folks that like to micro manage their queue. This will put items into the queue paused depending on which category they are coming in as included uncategorized/default stuff. May also be useful for things like couch potato, sickbeard or any other external app which bring in tons of stuff. It is easy to modify the below to suit any custom category. This may not be needed if sab allowed categories to be set up with a paused priority status similar to how it allows it for rss feeds.
You can use it by copying the below into a text file and saving the file as preQueuePause.cmd and dropping the file into your scripts folder. Then go to sab and under "Switches" menu choose the new file under the pre-queue user script option. There is nothing harmful that this code can do just pause stuff is all.
You can use it by copying the below into a text file and saving the file as preQueuePause.cmd and dropping the file into your scripts folder. Then go to sab and under "Switches" menu choose the new file under the pre-queue user script option. There is nothing harmful that this code can do just pause stuff is all.
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo 1
set nothing=""
set pauseit=false
IF %3==%nothing% set pauseit=true
IF %3==* set pauseit=true
IF /i %3==default set pauseit=true
IF /i %3==movie set pauseit=true
IF /i %3==tv set pauseit=true
IF %pauseit%==true (
) ELSE (
echo -2