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No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 9:18 am
by chrishide87
Ok, I'm quite a beginner at all this, so apologies in advance if I seem stupid...

I've got a Synology DS211J and have installed SickBeard and SABnzbd.

I get the error message saying that "No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible"

I have ran the following:

Code: Select all

~ # ipkg install par2cmdline
Package par2cmdline (0.4-4) installed in root is up to date.
Nothing to be done
Successfully terminated.
So it appears that I have the correct package?

Can someone please help?

Re: No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 10:02 am
by shypike
par2 should also be in the PATH that SABnzbd receives.
Can you start it from a ssh session?
Some packages that have an autostart facility for SABnzbd,
start it up with a limited PATH variable.
You might need to patch the startup script.

Re: No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 11:02 am
by chrishide87
Thanks for the reply shypike :]
Where could I find the PATH that SABnzbd receives?
How would start it from an SSH session?
Where is the startup script stored?

Sorry for the multiple questions, as I said I'm just quite new to this, all help is greatly appreciated :]

Re: No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 12:41 pm
by drewdatrip
Update your firmware to 3.2 if you have not already. Then go:
Install Base Utils, Compression Utils and Python Utils and finally Sab helper
Sab on Syno has become super simple with this new firmware update and the wonderful creations from Merty
