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Cant get post script to load on my Synology

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 9:06 am
by Munch81
For the past couple of hours I have been trying to get autoProcessTV and sabToSickBeard to load.
It doesnt appear in my script dropdown box.

I have added several diffent files to get atleast something, but always nothing.
( added a .cfg , .py , .exe )

Also, after adding new script files I closed and re-opened SABnzbd.

At the moment SickBeard does send downloads to SABnzbd, SABnzbd does load them with the set-up Category.
Now I want the script to tell SickBeard is has finished so that SickBeard can move it to my video folder and re-index my media files.

Re: Cant get post script to load on my Synology

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 6:40 pm
by Mar2zz
is the file readable/executable for the user you run sabnzbd with? (do you have rootaccess?)
.exe won't work on syno...

Re: Cant get post script to load on my Synology

Posted: January 25th, 2012, 9:49 am
by Munch81
The user does have read/write access as the script folder was set-up on a created shared folder: /volume1/downloads/SABnzbd/scripts/
This is also where I places the script files.
The other folder that where set-up work fine just as well.

Re: Cant get post script to load on my Synology

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 10:22 am
by Munch81
I dont know what changed but as of today I can at least see the script files.
Surly I will be able to read the error logs and figre out the rest.

Re: Cant get post script to load on my Synology

Posted: January 28th, 2012, 2:46 pm
by J03 8LACK
I setup a Synology box a few months back working smooth now but took a bit of coding and learning to get it running great.

For the SabtoSickbeard script I used and when you move the script to the new folder make sure you make it executable ( very easy to forget). You will have turn on telnet and connect to run commands from prompt (chmod +x file_name).

Also don't forget to edit autoProcessTV.cfg correctly.

Config File editor is a great app for Synology if you dont like to telnet into your box all the time to change any config files.
you can get the packages from here

another great place for packages

Hope it helps