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[1.1.0b1] 2x jquery in glitter?

Posted: June 11th, 2016, 12:29 pm
by jcfp
I noticed the ...-src.tar.gz carries two different versions of jquery in interfaces/Glitter/templates/static/javascripts/: jquery-1.11.2.min.js and jquery.min.js (which holds v. 2.2.2).

Is this intentional? Some requirement in terms of jquery versions needed for glitter to function?

Re: [1.1.0b1] 2x jquery in glitter?

Posted: June 11th, 2016, 3:50 pm
by safihre
That should not be there. It's also not there in the Github repo ( ... avascripts)
The 1.11.2 is for the config and should only be in: interfaces\Config\templates\staticcfg\js
But somehow it ended up there in the tar.gz I see..
Maybe old file-structure @shypike? :D

Re: [1.1.0b1] 2x jquery in glitter?

Posted: June 11th, 2016, 4:36 pm
by shypike
Accident, failure to clean up build folder.
I've uploaded a new gz, called SABnzbd-1.1.0Beta1a-src.tar.gz

Re: [1.1.0b1] 2x jquery in glitter?

Posted: June 12th, 2016, 4:09 am
by jcfp